Xin danh sách Documentary films của BBC, ABC, Geo...

Thảo luận trong 'Yêu cầu, cho tặng' bắt đầu bởi quintus, 1/10/09.

  1. quintus

    quintus New Member

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    Hiện mình đang có điều kiện để rip một số đĩa Documentary từ thư viện của trường và của thành phố nơi mình học. Hiện đã Rip được 1/2 số Documentary về tự nhiên của trường, nhưng muốn mượn đĩa của thư viện thành phố và các trường đại học khác có liên kết thì mình cần biết tên films để gửi request.

    Vậy bạn nào có full danh sách các films documentary thì làm ơn gửi cho mình để mình biết, nếu anh em đã có bản HD rồi thì mình khỏi cần Rip nữa. Cám ơn. Khi nào về VN sẽ có cơ hội chia sẻ với các anh em đam mê phim khoa học.

    Danh xác các films mình đã Rip:

    Cool Blood: 3 đĩa
    The Life of bird: 3 đĩa

    The Life of Mammals: 4 đĩa

    The Living Planet: 4 đĩa
    Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life
    Lost worlds vanished lives
    Airborne (Journey of life series)
    Eagle (Wilde life special series)

    Các nhà xuất bản khác:

    The March of Penguin
    Walking with the lions
    Eye of an elephant
    Kingdom of the Jabiru

    (Sau khi rip xong đám phim về tự nhiên sẽ Rip đến các film khoa học, lịch sử khác).
    meorom cảm ơn bài này.
  2. penhimdangyeu

    penhimdangyeu New Member

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    Ðề: Xin danh sách Documentary films của BBC, ABC, Geo...

    anh có thể share link cho em những phim đó đc không , phụ đề rời EL hay là cứng vậy anh , em muốn học tiếng anh thông qua phim
  3. mrkoyeu

    mrkoyeu Active Member

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    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: Xin danh sách Documentary films của BBC, ABC, Geo...

    * Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room
        * IMAX - Mountain Gorilla (1992)
        * 50 Greatest Magic Tricks - introduced by Adam & Jo...
        * BBC - Jesus : The Real Story (Son of God)
        * BBC - ArtWorks Scotland - Black Watch - A Soldier’...
        * BBC - Surrealissimo - The Trial of Salvador Dali
        * Lost Worlds - City of the God Kings
        * The Enemies Of Reason
        * BBC - One Hundred Years of Wildlife Films
        * BBC - Great British Journeys (2 Episodes)
        * National Geographic - Living in a Perfect World (2...
        * BBC - Images of the Cosmos - Good Seeing
        * Oliver Twist (2007) (TV) [ReQuest]
        * The Most Evil Men in History - Torquemada
        * The Most Evil Men in History - Pol Pot
        * The Most Evil Men in History - Idi Amin
        * BBC - Asteroid Hunters - Mathematical Methods Mode...
        * BBC : The KT Event - The evidence for the mass ext...
        * BBC - The Nature of Impacts.. and their Impact on ...
        * BBC - Sky at Night - Highland Ring - Annular Eclip...
        * Panorama - Destination Europe
        * BBC - Pavarotti: The Last Tenor
        * The Aztec Massacre: Revealed
        * PBS Nova - The Trillion Dollar Bet [request]
        * IMAX - Journey Into Amazing Caves
        * IMAX - Greatest Places
        * IMAX - Great North (2002)
        * BBC - Arena - Joe Orton - A Genius Like Us
        * Across the Roof of the World
        * BBC- The Music of the Primes
        * BBC - The Sky At Night : Black Holes and Black Mag...
        * The Gold Rush (2006)
        * BBC - Inside the Mind of Adolf Hitler
        * BBC - Brain Story [Complete Set] (2000)
        * The Airships (2004)
        * Superhuman: Giants
        * BBC - This World - India’s Missing Girls
        * China vs the US - The Battle For Oil (2007)
        * BBC - Equator (2006)
        * BBC - Arena - The Orson Welles Story
        * A Chimpanzees Tale (2002)
        * Panorama - Is America Ready for a Black President?...
        * BBC - Storyville - In Search of Gandhi
        * BBC - A History of Britain (2000) by Simon Schama ...
        * The End of Suburbia (2004)
        * ABC - Teds Evolution (2002)
        * Arctic Wonderland (1996)
        * National Geographic - Leonardo the Man Behind the ...
        * IMAX - Genesis
        * IMAX - Trinity and Beyond
        * IMAX - Microcosmos
        * The Impressionists
       * BBC - Arena - The Strange Story of Joe Meek
        * BBC - Asteroid Hunters - Mathematical Methods Mode...
        * BBC - Images of the Cosmos - Venus Unveiled
        * BBC : The KT Event - The evidence for the mass ext...
        * BBC - The Nature of Impacts.. and their Impact on ...
        * BBC - Sky at Night - Highland Ring - Annular Eclip...
        * Panorama - Destination Europe
        * BBC - Pavarotti: The Last Tenor
        * The Aztec Massacre: Revealed
        * PBS Nova - The Trillion Dollar Bet [request]
        * IMAX - Journey Into Amazing Caves
        * IMAX - Greatest Places
        * IMAX - Great North (2002)
        * BBC - Leonardo Da Vinci
        * BBC - Arena - Joe Orton - A Genius Like Us
        * Across the Roof of the World
        * God Grew Tired Of Us
        * Discovery - Hackers: Outlaws and Angels
        * BBC - The Story of God [Complete Set] (2005)
        * BBC - Bulgaria’s Abandoned Children
        * Africa - America’s New Oil Target
        * The Airships (2004)
        * Superhuman: Giants
        * BBC - This World - India’s Missing Girls
        * China vs the US - The Battle For Oil (2007)
        * BBC - Equator (2006)
        * BBC - Arena - The Orson Welles Story
        * A Chimpanzees Tale (2002)
        * Panorama - Is America Ready for a Black President?...
        * BBC - Storyville - In Search of Gandhi
        * BBC - A History of Britain (2000) by Simon Schama ...
        * The End of Suburbia (2004)
        * ABC - Teds Evolution (2002)
        * Arctic Wonderland (1996)
        * National Geographic - Leonardo the Man Behind the ...
        * IMAX - Genesis
        * Time Team Special - 22 - D-Day - Normandy, France
        * Heroes of the Amazon
        * BBC - The Birth of Television
        * Discovery: Stress Test
        * Discovery: Great Quakes
        * Prison Break S03E11 HDTV
        * BBC - Michael Palin`s New Europe [Complete Set] (2...
        * BBC - Power of Art [Complete Set] (2006)
        * BBC - Trust Me… I`m an Economist
        * Hitler’s Family - In the Shadow of the Dictator
        * Discovery - Extreme Weather: The Ultimate Guide
        * Discovery - On the Inside: The Leaning Tower of Pi...
        * BBC - The Secret of Drawing
        * BBC - This World - American Nightmare
        * National Geo - Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revea...
        * BBC - Timeshift - Digging the Past
        * BBC - The Stanford Prison Experiment
        * BBC - The British Enlightenment
        * Animal Planet - Buggin’ with Ruud: Alaskan Bugs on...
        * BBC Horizon - Making Millions the Easy Way (2004)
        * BBC - Heroes and Villains - Napoleon
        * BBC - James Ravilious - A World in Pictures
        * BBC - Racism : A History [Complete Set] (2007)
        * The Enemies Of Reason
        * BBC - Around the World in 80 Treasures [Complete S...
        * Interview with a Cannibal
        * The Cannibal that Walked Free
        * BBC - Clash of the Worlds - Episode 2 of 3 - Sudan...
        * BBC - Clash of the Worlds - Episode 1 of 3 - Mutin...
        * Banged up Abroad (4 Parts)
        * BBC - Wild South America [Complete Set] (2006)
        * BBC - Secrets of the Sexes [Complete Set] (2005)
        * History Channel - Cities of the Underworld [Comple...
        * Prison Break S03E10 HDTV
        * BBC - Great British Journeys [Complete Set] (2007)...
        * BBC - The Satellite Story (2007)
        * BBC - Visions of the Future [Complete Set] (2007)
        * BBC Horizon - How to Commit the Perfect Murder (20...
        * BBC - Dangerous Knowledge (2007)
        * BBC - The Day India Burned : Partition (2007)
        * BBC - The Truth about Food [Complete Set] (2007)
        * BBC - The Genius Of Photography: Fixing the Shadow...
        * BBC - My Big Breasts and Me
        * BBC - The Story of India with Michael Wood [Complete Set]
        * BBC - The Ascent Of Man [Complete 13 Episodes] 
        * BBC - The Cosmos: A Beginner’s Guide [Complete Set]
        * BBC - Seven Wonders of the Industrial World [Complete Set]
        * BBC - Scotland : The Highland Clans [Complete Set]
        * History Channel - Houdini: Unlocking the Mystery
        * History Channel - The Universe S01
        * The Bible Revolution
        * Cannibal Killer
        * Heroes of the Amazon
        * Discovery - Mummies: The Ultimate Guide
        * Discovery - Great Books: The Odyssey
        * Discovery - Great Books: Machiavelli’s The Prince
        * BBC - Time Shift: Spy Stories
        * BBC - The Birth of Television
        * BBC - LSD Millionaires: Operation Julie
        * Dispatches: Mark Thomas on Coca-Cola
        * Dylan’s Folk - the Pure, the Bad and the Holy
        * BBC - This World : The Trillion Dollar Revolutiona...
        * Prison Break S03E09 HDTV
        * National Geographic - Ultimate Crocodile
        * BBC - This World - Britain’s Most Wanted
        * The Black Death
        * Totally Australia - Treading Water
        * National Geo : Africa’s Forgotten Kingdom
        * Discovery: Great Books - Great Expectations
        * The Adventure of English
        * National Geo : Naked Science - Who Built Stonehenge
        * Discovery : Pyramids - The Ultimate Guide
        * The Foreign Legion: Tougher Than the Rest 
        * Titanic’s Final Moments: The True Story
        * Olympic Massacre: The True Story
        * BBC : Baddiel and the Missing Nazi Millions
        * Athens: The Truth About Democracy
        * BBC: My Life as a Spy - Storyville
        * BBC Four : Brasil, Brasil
        * The Pink Floyd Story: Which One’s Pink?
        * Discovery Channel: Best Kept Secrets of Mysterious...
    National Geographic - Is It Real? - Stigmata
    National Geographic - Berlin Wall - Great Escapes
    National Geographic - Megastructures: Beijing Wate...
    National Geographic - Megastructures: Dubai’s Drea...
    National Geographic - Nuclear Terrorism : Blind Ho...
    Discovery Channel - The Re-Inventors
    America’s Deadliest Prison Gang
    Bodyshock - The Man Who Ate His Lover
    Who Killed the Electric Car
    Nat Geo - Naked Science: Death Of Sun
    Defeat of the Nazi War Machine
    PBS Special - Fat : What No One is Telling You (20...
    Discovery Channel - The True Story of the Internet...
    National Geographic - World’s Most Dangerous Drug
    LSD - The Beyond Within
    Discovery Channel - The Lost Tomb of Jesus
    History Channel - Absolute Evel, The Evel Knievel ...
    BBC - Europe A Natural History
    BBC - Pyramid: Beyond Imagination
    PBS - Men Get Depression (2008)
    BBC - The Secret History of Genghis Khan
    Carl Sagan`s Cosmos [Repost]
    BBC Horizon - Total Isolation
    **** : A Documentary
    BBC - Wild India : Land Of The Tiger [Request]
    Discovery Channel - Diamond Road [Complete Series]...
    PBS - Muhammad: Legacy Of A Prophet
    The History Channel - Ancient Aliens
    Islam Unveiled [Channel 4]
    The Hidden Story of Jesus [Channel 4]
    Guinness World Records 2008 Top 100
    Bodyshock: The Girl with Eight Limbs [Channel 4]
    National Geographic - Terrorism Rules
    Discovery - The Human Sexes [Complete Series]
    Discovery - Ancient Warriors
    BBC - Supernatural Science
    Discovery - The Ultimate Guide: Human Body
    BBC - Life In Cold Blood
    PBS Nova - Deadly Ascent
    BBC - Dan Cruickshank’s Adventures In Architecture...
    PBS Nova - Death Star
    BBC - Virgin Memories
    PBS Nova - Descent into the Ice
    BBC - Life in the Undergrowth
    IMAX - Dolphins
    IMAX - Coral Reef Adventure
    IMAX - Australia, Land before Time
    IMAX - Antarctica
    IMAX - Alaska, Spirit of the Wild
    IMAX - Bears
    IMAX - Amazon
    Unlocking The Mystery Of Life: Introduction on Int...
    PBS Nova - Everest: The Death Zone
    The World At War [Complete Set]
    BBC - The Birth of Israel (2008)
    PBS Nova - Bees: Tales from the Hive
    * World War 1 : The Great War [Complete BBC Series]
    * NGC - Naked Science : Birth of the Solar System
    * PBS Nova - Cancer Warrior
    * The First World War - The Complete Series
    * Henry VIII [2003]
    * BBC - Around The World In 80 Gardens [Complete Ser...
    * BBC - In Search of Shakespeare
    * IMAX - Lost Worlds: Life in the Balance
    * BBC - Planet Earth [2006]
    * BBC Horizon - The Great Robot Race
    * BBC - Iguanas: Living like Dinosaurs
    * PBS Nova - Battle Plan Under Fire
    * PBS Nova - Origins [Complete 4 Episodes]
    * Discovery - Lost Treasures of the Ancient World : ...
    * Discovery - Beyond Global Warming
    * Discovery Channel - Space Balloons: 120,000 Feet A...
    * George And Mildred [Complete 5 Seasons]
    * Discovery Channel - Megaworld [Complete 6 Parts]
    * BBC - Wild China [Complete Series]
    * Discovery Channel -I Shouldnt Be Alive
    * NGC - Naked Science - Was Darwin Wrong?
    * BBC - Cranford (2007)
    * Al Capone and the Untouchables: The True Story
    * PBS Nova - Ancient Refuge in the Holy Land
    * BBC - Lark Rise To Candleford [Complete Series 1]
    * Dispatches - The Data Theft Scandal
    * PBS Nova - A Man, a Plan, a Canal - Panama
    * The Dinosaur Mummy
    * PBS Nova - Ants: Little Creatures Who Run the Worl...
    * National Geographic - Megacities [Complete Series]
    * BBC - Genesis Night : Come Rain or Shine
    * PBS Nova - B29: Frozen In Time
    * BBC - Hiroshima
    * BBC - The Lost World (2001)
    * BBC - Pole to Pole with Michael Palin
    * BBC - Full Circle with Michael Palin
    * BBC - Days that Shook the World [Complete Set]
    BBC The World at War Documentary
    1. A New Germany (1933–1939)
    The rise of the Nazis in Germany and German territorial gains prior to the outbreak of war. Interviewees include Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin, Werner Pusch and Christabel Bielenberg.
    2. Distant War (September 1939 – May 1940)
    The German and Soviet invasions of Poland, the Winter War, the sinking of the Graf Spee and Britain's apathy during the "phony war" until Britain's defeat in its first military engagement with German land units in Norway, which led to the rise of Winston Churchill. Interviewees include Lord Boothby, Lord Butler, Admiral Charles Woodhouse, Sir Martin Lindsay and Sir John "Jock" Colville.
    3. France Falls (May – June 1940)
    France in ferment, the Maginot Line, Blitzkrieg warfare, and the Nazi invasion of France and the Low Countries. Interviewees include General Hasso von Manteuffel and General André Beaufre.
    4. Alone (May 1940 – May 1941)
    The Battle of Britain, retreats in Greece, Crete and Tobruk, and life in Britain between the evacuation at Dunkirk and Operation Barbarossa. Interviewees include Anthony Eden, J.B. Priestley, Sir Max Aitken, Lieutenant General Adolf Galland and Sir John "Jock" Colville.
    5. Barbarossa (June – December 1941)
    After dominating southeastern Europe through force or intrigue, Germany embarks on the massive invasion of Soviet Union. Despite a string of lightning victories, the invasion ultimately stalls after a failed assault on Moscow in Russia's harsh winter. Interviewees include General Walter Warlimont, Albert Speer, Paul Schmidt and W. Averell Harriman.
    6. Banzai!: Japan (1931–1942)
    The rise of the Japanese Empire, the Sino-Japanese war, Pearl Harbor and the early Japanese successes, and the fall of Malaya and of Singapore.
    7. On Our Way: U.S.A. (1939–1942)
    The opposition by various factions to the United States of America entry into the war, U-boat attacks on Atlantic convoys and America's gradiated responses, the mobilization of America after Pearl Harbor, the fall of the Philippines, the Doolittle Raid, Midway and Guadalcanal. Interviewees include John Kenneth Galbraith, John J. McCloy, Paul Samuelson, Isamu Noguchi, Richard Tregaskis and Vannevar Bush.
    8. The Desert: North Africa (1940–1943)
    The desert war, starting with Italy's unsuccessful invasion of Egypt and the successive attacks and counter-attacks between Germany and Commonwealth forces, and the Afrika Korps's eventual defeat at El Alamein. Interviewees include General Richard O'Connor, Major General Francis de Guingand and Lawrence Durrell.
    9. Stalingrad (June 1942 – February 1943)
    The mid-war German situation in Southern Russia leading to the Battle of Stalingrad – and its ultimate German catastrophe.
    10. Wolf Pack: U-Boats in the Atlantic (1939–1943)
    The submarine war focusing mainly on the North Atlantic. Tracks the development of both the convoy system and German submarine strategy. Interviewees include Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz and Otto Kretschmer.
    11. Red Star: The Soviet Union (1941–1943)
    The rise of the Red Army, mobilisation of Soviet production, the siege of Leningrad, the Soviet partisans and the Battle of Kursk.
    12. Whirlwind: Bombing Germany (September 1939 – April 1944)
    The development of British and American strategic bombing in both success and setback. Interviewees include Marshal Sir Arthur Harris, Albert Speer, James Stewart, William Reid, General Curtis LeMay, Werner Schröer, Lieutenant General Adolf Galland and General Ira C. Eaker.
    13. Tough Old Gut: Italy (1943–1944)
    Focuses on the difficult Italian Campaign beginning with Operation Torch in North Africa, the invasion of Sicily; Salerno, Anzio, Cassino; and the capture of Rome. Interviewees include General Mark Wayne Clark, Field Marshal Lord Harding, Bill Mauldin, and Wynford Vaughan Thomas.
    14. It's A Lovely Day Tomorrow: Burma (1942–1944)
    The jungle war in Burma and India - what it "lacked in scale was made up in savagery". Interviewees include Mike Calvert, Sir John Smyth and Vera Lynn (the episode title is the name of one of her songs), and Lord Mountbatten of Burma.
    15. Home Fires: Britain (1940–1944)
    Life and politics in Britain from post-Battle of Britain to the first V-1 attacks. Interviewees include Lord Butler, Lord Shinwell, Lord Chandos, Tom Driberg, Michael Foot, Cecil Harmsworth King, and J.B. Priestley.
    16.Inside the Reich: Germany (1940–1944)
    German society and how it changes as its fortunes in war are reversed. Censorship and popular entertainment, the transformation of German industry, the recruitment of female and foreign labour, allied bombing, German dissent - including the 20 July plot, and the mobilisation of the Volkssturm towards the war's end. Interviewees include Albert Speer, Otto John, Traudl Junge, Richard Schulze-Kossens, and Otto Ernst Remer (English translation spoken by Lawrence Olivier).
    17. Morning: (June – August 1944)
    The development and execution of Operation Overlord followed by the allied breakout and battles at Bocage, and Falaise. Interviewees include Lord Mountbatten of Burma, Kay Summersby, James Martin Stagg and Major General J. Lawton Collins.
    18.Occupation: Holland (1940–1944)
    Focuses on life in the Netherlands under German occupation, when citizens chose to resist, collaborate or keep their heads down. Interviewees include Louis de Jong (who also served as adviser for this episode) and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.
    19. Pincers: (August 1944 – March 1945)
    The allied breakout in France and the setback at Arnhem, the Warsaw Uprising, the Battle of the Bulge, and the crossing of the Rhine. Interviewees include Lieutenant General Brian Horrocks, Wynford Vaughan Thomas, General Hasso von Manteuffel, Major General Francis de Guingand, W. Averell Harriman and Major General J. Lawton Collins.
    20. Genocide (1941–1945)
    Begins with the founding of the S.S. and follows the development of German racial theory. It ends with the implementation of the Final Solution.
    21. Nemesis: Germany (February – May 1945)
    The final invasion of Germany by both the Western and Eastern allies, the denouement at Dresden, and the events in the Führerbunker. Interviewees include Albert Speer, Traudl Junge and Heinz Linge.
    22. Japan (1941–1945)
    Japan's society and culture during wartime, and how life is transformed as the country gradually becomes aware of increasingly catastrophic setbacks including the Doolittle raid, defeat at Midway, the death of Isoroku Yamamoto, the Battle of Saipan and the relentless bombing of Japanese cities.
    23. Pacific (February 1942 – July 1945)
    The successive and increasingly bloody land battles on tiny islands in the expansive Pacific, aimed towards the Japanese heartland. Following the bombing of Darwin, the over-extended Japanese are progressively turned back at Kokoda, Tarawa, Peleilu, the Philippines, Iwo Jima and finally Okinawa.
    24. The Bomb (February – September 1945)
    The development of the atomic bomb, the ascendency of President Harry Truman, emerging splits in the Allies with Joseph Stalin, and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ultimately leading to the surrender of Japan. Interviewees include Toshikazu Kase, Yoshio Kodama, Marquis Koichi Kido, Major General Charles Sweeney, Brigadier General Paul Tibbets, Alger Hiss, W. Averell Harriman, Lord Avon, McGeorge Bundy, John J. McCloy, General Curtis LeMay and Hisatsune Sakomizu.
    25. Reckoning (April 1945)
    The situation in post-war Europe including the allied occupation of Germany, demobilisation, the Nurenburg trials and the genesis of the Cold War. The episode concludes with summations about the ultimate costs and consequences of the war. Interviewees include Charles Bohlen, Stephen Ambrose, Lord Avon, Lord Mountbatten of Burma and Noble Frankland.
    26. Remember
    How the war - both good and bad experiences - was experienced and remembered by its witnesses.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 26/12/09
    tamsstudio cảm ơn bài này.
  4. anhcos

    anhcos Well-Known Member

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    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 28/12/09
  5. mrkoyeu

    mrkoyeu Active Member

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    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: Xin danh sách Documentary films của BBC, ABC, Geo...

    BBC - Planet Earth (720p HDDVD)
    BBC - Nature's Most Amazing Events 720 Bluray
    BBC - Private Life of Plants
    BBC - Life In The Undergrowth
    BBC - Life In Cold Blood
    BBC - The Life of Birds
    BBC - The Life of Mammals
    BBC - The Living Planet
    BBC - The Blue Planet
    BBC - Wildlife Specials
    BBC - Space (with Sam Neill)
    Discovery - How It's Made
  6. mrkoyeu

    mrkoyeu Active Member

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  7. mrkoyeu

    mrkoyeu Active Member

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    Ðề: Xin danh sách Documentary films của BBC, ABC, Geo...

    Bác tìm những bài của bro phuong1360 ý, toàn tài liệu BBC :)
  8. anhcos

    anhcos Well-Known Member

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    Ðề: Xin danh sách Documentary films của BBC, ABC, Geo...

    Sao lại nói thế nhỉ, khi nhiều film quá thì ta fải dùng tool để kiểm soát chứ.
    Còn cái danh sách film dài quá làm sao mà post lên.

    Show hàng coi, cái này mới cập nhật hơn một nửa số documentary thôi.

    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 28/12/09
  9. tieulong_001

    tieulong_001 Active Member

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    Ðề: Xin danh sách Documentary films của BBC, ABC, Geo...

    Bác anhcos ơi, cái soft quản lý phim này ở đâu thế, bác share cho em với dc ko ạ? Thank bác nhìu lắm ^_^
  10. truongthanhdo

    truongthanhdo Member

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    Ðề: Xin danh sách Documentary films của BBC, ABC, Geo...

    Link MF bác ấy treo lên rồi đó bác.
  11. tieulong_001

    tieulong_001 Active Member

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    Ðề: Xin danh sách Documentary films của BBC, ABC, Geo...

    Hic, em cài nó toàn báo lỗi, có phải nó đòi phải cài .Net Famework ko bác anhcos?
  12. huynhtoan

    huynhtoan New Member

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    Ðề: Xin danh sách Documentary films của BBC, ABC, Geo...

    Có thể cho mình biết một số tên phim trong danh sách Documentary films của BBC, ABC, Geo... có liên quan về ngành xây dựng, kiến trúc. Có link luôn thì hay. Thanks!
  13. Lamtran16051987

    Lamtran16051987 New Member

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    Ðề: Xin danh sách Documentary films của BBC, ABC, Geo...

    ko biết là ai nhưng tui vào like chử ký :3

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