[Horror | Mystery] Sister Death 2023 1080p NF WEB-DL DUAL DDP5.1 Atmos H.264-NSHE (Việt Sub)

Thảo luận trong 'WEB-DL, HDTV' bắt đầu bởi tkltmt, 1/1/24.

  1. tkltmt

    tkltmt Well-Known Member

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    [Horror | Mystery] Sister Death 2023 1080p NF WEB-DL DUAL DDP5.1 Atmos H.264-NSHE
    (Việt Sub)


    Sister Death
    2023 | TV-MA | 1h 31m

    After a childhood marked by a miracle, Narcisa, a novice nun joins a school to teach young girls.

    Director: Paco Plaza
    Writers: Jorge Guerricaechevarríam, Paco Plaza
    Stars: Aria Bedmar, Maru Valdivielso, Luisa Merelas

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    kmmhuy, 8947969, tangviet and 10 others like this.

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