CD Solitudes Nature Sound Collection - Songbirds by the stream Bitrate : 320kbps - Format: MP3 - Size: 188MB ISO-Image: 625MB - Somerset Entertainment - Release: 1999 - Link: megaupload Cover List: 01. Wood Thrush 02. Canada Warbler 03. Red-Eyed Vireo 04. Rose-Breasted Grosbeak 05. Cardinal Two Different Songs 06. American Goldfinch 07. Yellow Warbler 08. Song Sparrow, Red-Eyed Vireo & Baltimore Oriole 09. Winter Wren 10. Myrtle Warbler 11. Black-Capped Chickadee And Yellowthroat 12. White-Throated Sparrow 13. Swamp Sparrow & Red-Winged Blackbird 14. Ruby-Crowned Kinglet 15. Scarlet Tanager & Swainson's Thrush 16. Ovenbird 17. Northern Waterthrush 18. American Robin 19. Gray Catbird 20. Indigo Bunting 21. Veery 22. Purple Finch 23. Hermit Thrush Download: Full cover MP3 ISO-Image - Format: CUE/WAV megaupload - 4 part - Join với FFSJ part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 upload by ong8ba8
Ðề: CD Solitudes Nature Sound Collection - Songbirds by the stream (1999) - 320kbps & ISO-Image thanks bác. đang down rùi
Ðề: CD Solitudes Nature Sound Collection - Songbirds by the stream (1999) - 320kbps & ISO-Image một bộ cd đầy ý nghĩa thanks bác ^_^
Ðề: CD Solitudes Nature Sound Collection - Songbirds by the stream (1999) - 320kbps & ISO-Image nhìn hay nhỉ!!! ko biết nó như thế lào ấy nhỉ!!! Cảm ơn bác!!!
Ðề: CD Solitudes Nature Sound Collection - Songbirds by the stream (1999) - 320kbps & ISO-Image hay thật còn ko bạn tks nhiều nhé
Ðề: CD Solitudes Nature Sound Collection - Songbirds by the stream (1999) - 320kbps & ISO-Image Super! Lond searching. Thans!!!