[MULTI] 100 Greatest Discoveries 720 (2004) [Complete Series] ~ Những Khám Phá Vĩ Đại của Nhân Loại - 9/9

Thảo luận trong 'Phim tài liệu - Documentaries' bắt đầu bởi anhcos, 12/8/11.

  1. anhcos

    anhcos Well-Known Member

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    100 Greatest Discoveries 720p
    Những Khám Phá Vĩ Đại của Nhân Loại
    Trọn bộ 9 tập

    [Sub Việt + Anh]


    About the series:

    Where would we be today if it weren't for the scientists of the past? From the miniature world of genetics to the vast expanse of space, review the greatest discoveries of all time across eight different scientific categories in this multi-part series. Join host Bill Nye as he recounts the 100 most important discoveries and explains how each one has had a hand in shaping the modern world. Watch his lively and dramatic accounts and learn how the great discoveries were made, how they impacted the development of scientific knowledge and how they touch our lives today.

    Episode Guide:
    Copernicus first theorized that the Sun was the center of our solar system, but it took the work of Johannes Kepler to prove it. Learn why the universe is expanding and meet modern astronomers who gauge the likelihood of life out there.
    1. The Planets Move (2000 B.C. – 500 B.C.)
    2. The Earth Moves (1543)
    3. Planetary Orbits Are Elliptical (1605 – 1609)
    4. Jupiter Has Moons (1609 – 1612)
    5. Halley's Comet Has a Predictable Orbit (1705 – 1758)
    6. The Milky Way Is a Gigantic Disk of Stars (1780 – 1834)
    7. General Relativity (1915 – 1919)
    8. The Universe Is Expanding (1924 – 1929)
    9. The Center of the Milky Way Emits Radio Waves (1932)
    10. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (1964)
    11. Gamma-Ray Bursts (1969 – 1997)
    12. Planets Around Other Stars (1995 – 2004)
    13. The Universe Is Accelerating (1998 – 2000)

    Hundreds of years before the first DNA test, "Micrographia" championed the use of microscopes and set the stage for the first major discovery in biology: microorganisms. Learn how the secret of the cell was solved and how starfish led to the development of stem cell research.
    1. Microorganisms (1674)
    2. The Cell Nucleus (1831)
    3. Archaea (1977)
    4. Cell Division (1879)
    5. Sex Cells (1884)
    6. Cell Differentiation (late 19th century)
    7. Mitochondria (late 19th century to the present)
    8. The Krebs Cycle (1937)
    9. Neurotransmission (late 19th to early 20th century)
    10. Hormones (1903)
    11. Photosynthesis (1770s)
    12. Ecosystem (1935)
    13. Tropical Biodiversity (15th century to the present)

    Joesph Priestley initiated the study of chemistry in 1770 with the discovery of oxygen. From there, witness the development of plastics and a familiar table that has confounded high school chemistry students for generations.
    1. Oxygen (1770s)
    2. Atomic Theory (1808)
    3. Atoms Combine Into Molecules (1811 onward)
    4. Synthesis of Urea (1828)
    5. Chemical Structure (1850s)
    6. Periodic Table of the Elements (1860s – 1870s)
    7. Electricity Transforms Chemicals (1807 – 1810)
    8. The Electron (1897)
    9. Electrons for Chemical Bonds (1913 onward)
    10. Atoms Have Signatures of Light (1850s)
    11. Radioactivity (1890s – 1900s)
    12. Plastics (1869 and 1900s)
    13. Fullerenes (1985)

    Earth Science
    Venture beneath our planet's crust for a look at the powerful geological forces that keep life on the move and adapting plate tectonics, earthquakes and super volcanoes.
    1. Earth's Core (1906)
    2. Earth's Inner Core (1930s)
    3. Continental Drift (1911)
    4. Seafloor Spreading (1950s – 1960s)
    5. Plate Tectonics (1960s)
    6. Troposphere and Stratosphere (1890s)
    7. Global Warming (late 20th century)
    8. Cosmic Radiation (1911 onward)
    9. Magnetic Field Reversal (1906)
    10. Geological Change (1830s)
    11. Radiometric Dating (1907)
    12. Periodic Ice Ages (1930s)

    From the discovery of the dinosaur-killing KT asteroid to Carl Linnaeus' still-used life form classification system to the groundbreaking theories of Charles Darwin. Learn how intelligent life began on earth.
    1. K-T Asteroid Theory of Dinosaur Extinction (1980)
    2. First Dinosaur Fossils Identified (1820s – 1840s)
    3. Potential for Life Created (1953)
    4. New Life-forms Discovered Around Hydrothermal Vents (1977)
    5. The Burgess Shale (1909)
    6. Classification of Species (1735)
    7. Theory of Natural Selection (1858)
    8. Australopithecus Afarensis or "Lucy" (1974)
    9. Laetoli Footprints (1978)
    10. Toumai skull (2002)

    Gregor Mendel's work with pea plants pioneered the study of genetics, but it wasn't until the creation of the double helix DNA model that the field really began to take off.
    1. Rules of Heredity (1850s)
    2. Genes Are Located on Chromosomes (1910 – 1920s)
    3. Genes Control Biochemical Events (1930)
    4. Some Genes Can Jump (1940)
    5. DNA Is the Genetic Material (1928, 1944, 1952)
    6. DNA Is a Double Helix (1953)
    7. Cracking the Genetic Code (1960s)
    8. RNA Conveys Genetic Information (1960s)
    9. Restriction Enzymes (1950s – 1960s)
    10. RNA Splicing (1976)
    11. DNA Polymorphism (1985)
    12. Humans Have 20,000 to 25,000 Genes (2003)
    13. RNA Interference (1998)

    With physician Andreas Vesalius's groundbreaking anatomical drawings in 1538, a new science was born. Witness the horror of a pre-anesthesia operating room, see how X-rays were discovered and meet the man who developed the first vitamin.
    1. Human Anatomy (1538)
    2. Blood Circulation (1628)
    3. Blood Groups (1902)
    4. Anesthesia (1842–1846)
    5. X-rays (1895)
    6. Germ Theory (1800s)
    7. Vitamins (early 1900s)
    8. Penicillin (1920s–1930s)
    9. Sulfa Drugs (1930s)
    10. Vaccination (1796)
    11. Insulin (1920s)
    12. Oncogenes (1975)
    13. The Human Retrovirus HIV (1980s)

    Learn how physicist Sir Isaac Newton developed his three laws of motion and travel inside the atom for an explosive look at Einstein's best-known theory.
    1. The Law of Falling Bodies (1604)
    2. Universal Gravitation (1666)
    3. Laws of Motion (1687)
    4. The Second Law of Thermodynamics (1824 – 1850)
    5. Electromagnetism (1807 – 1873)
    6. Special Relativity (1905)
    7. E = mc^2 (1905)
    8. The Quantum Leap (1900 – 1935)
    9. The Nature of Light (1704 – 1905)
    10. The Neutron (1935)
    11. Superconductors (1911 – 1986)
    12. Quarks (1962)
    13. Nuclear Forces (1666 – 1957)

    Top ten
    What are the 10 greatest scientific discoveries of all time? Find out which of the original 100 were voted by viewers as the most groundbreaking.

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    Last edited by a moderator: 18/10/19
  2. Hoàng Hôn

    Hoàng Hôn Well-Known Member

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    Ðề: 100 Greatest Discoveries 720 (2004) [Complete Series]

    Bộ này có sub Eng đó ... tuy nhiên cần biên tập lại chứ sub nó gồm Eng và Chinese hiển cùng 1 dòng ... Ai dịch thì mình sẽ biên tập lại sub Eng chuẩn rồi gửi cho :D
  3. duytran54

    duytran54 Well-Known Member

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    Ðề: 100 Greatest Discoveries 720 (2004) [Complete Series]

    Giàng ơi, tưởng bác cao thủ tiếng Anh dịch luôn thì em được nhờ, bác lại bảo bác nào dịch thì em đành ngồi bồ hóng vậy. Bác HoangHon làm sub đi, năn nỉ bác đấy
  4. Hoàng Hôn

    Hoàng Hôn Well-Known Member

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    Ðề: 100 Greatest Discoveries 720 (2004) [Complete Series]

    Giờ có nhiều bộ mình thích hơn nên có lẽ sẽ chưa đụng đến bộ này đâu bác ... :D
  5. sexyca

    sexyca Well-Known Member

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    Ðề: 100 Greatest Discoveries 720 (2004) [Complete Series]

    Bộ nào bác đang thích thế :D
    QUANG ĐĂNG NGỌC cảm ơn bài này.
  6. tasma

    tasma New Member

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    Ðề: 100 Greatest Discoveries 720 (2004) [Complete Series]

    Many many thanks!
  7. gothdn

    gothdn New Member

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    Ðề: 100 Greatest Discoveries 720 (2004) [Complete Series]

    Đây là sub eng của bộ này, đã lọc hết tiếng Trung.
    Up lên cho các bạn yêu khoa học :)
    QUANG ĐĂNG NGỌC cảm ơn bài này.
  8. phonglana5

    phonglana5 Member

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    Ðề: 100 Greatest Discoveries 720 (2004) [Complete Series]

    Đang kéo TR bộ này. Speed rất nhanh. Thanks for English sub:x
  9. crackertoolz

    crackertoolz Well-Known Member

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    Ðề: 100 Greatest Discoveries 720 (2004) [Complete Series]

    Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều , có link share.vnn.vn là ngon rồi , khỏi lo bên fshare nữa
    daohuudoan cảm ơn bài này.
  10. hoaitrung

    hoaitrung Super Moderators Thành viên BQT

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    Re-up giùm ông bạn Anhcos :D
  11. tlamhp

    tlamhp Well-Known Member

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    Oakland CA USA
    Trong folder chỉ thấy có 9 tập mà không có tập 10.
    gâu gâu cảm ơn bài này.
  12. gâu gâu

    gâu gâu Member

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    bị thiếu tập 10 :D
  13. hoaitrung

    hoaitrung Super Moderators Thành viên BQT

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    thaison230555 cảm ơn bài này.
  14. anhcos

    anhcos Well-Known Member

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    Bộ này có 9 tập thôi chứ không có tập 10 nha mấy bác.
    không phải 100 = 10 x 10
    hoaitrung cảm ơn bài này.
  15. hoaitrung

    hoaitrung Super Moderators Thành viên BQT

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    Dạo này làm nhiều phim hơi đuối, đầu óc cũng không nhớ rõ như lúc xưa. Mấy Bác kia cứ phán 10 tập làm mình tưởng thật theo :D :D Thiệt tình.

Chia sẻ trang này