HCM-Toàn quốc Learn & Master Piano | Tự học Piano | Video học Piano

Thảo luận trong 'Dịch vụ - Tiện ích (old)' bắt đầu bởi daniel_vmc, 17/1/12.

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  1. daniel_vmc

    daniel_vmc New Member

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    Learn & Master Piano| Tự học Piano | Video học Piano
    Learn & Master Piano| Tự học Piano | Video học Piano
    Learn & Master Piano| Tự học Piano | Video học Piano
    [​IMG] Chuyên cung cấp tài liệu tự học CFA, ACCA, CIMA , Ngoại ngữ, Âm nhạc, Thể thao, Nghệ thuật....

    Xem chi tiết tại
    Cung cấp tài liệu CFA level 1 2012 , Level 2 2012, level 3 2012 | ACCA 2012 | CAT-FIA 2012 | CIMA 2012 | Kaplan Schweser | BPP | LSBF
    Cung cấp tài liệu CFA level 1 2012 , Level 2 2012, level 3 2012 | ACCA 2012 | CAT-FIA 2012 | CIMA 2012 | Kaplan Schweser | BPP | LSBF
    Cung cấp tài liệu CFA level 1 2012 , Level 2 2012, level 3 2012 | ACCA 2012 | CAT-FIA 2012 | CIMA 2012 | Kaplan Schweser | BPP | LSBF

    Now is your chance to master the keys of this beautiful instrument.

    Are you ready to really learn the piano? Perhaps you had lessons as a child. You may have taught yourself a few songs here and there. Or maybe you've never played a single note. The point is, you've never really learned to play. Are you ready?

    Learn & Master Piano is by far the world’s most complete video instruction course for learning piano. Designed to walk you through from start to finish, Learn & Master Piano is the only instructional tool you’ll need as you strive to finally learn this wonderful instrument – even if you’re sitting down to it for the very first time.

    Learn & Master Piano is designed primarily for adults. Unlike the lessons many of us had as children, you will begin playing popular songs right away and then develop your skills using a simple step-by-step progression.

    The course consists of 20 DVDs, 5 play-along CDs and a 100+ page lesson book, all crammed with step-by-step instruction, clear demonstrations, and popular songs you already know, such as "Let it Be," "Blueberry Hill," and "Moondance," just to name a few.

    You also get full access to our online student support site where you can question our instructors, post your profile, track your progress, chat with other students, and join in the fun as we all learn piano together.

    The DVDs

    The core of the Learn & Master Piano Home Study Course is its video instruction. This comes to you on Twenty fully produced DVDs, each packed with lessons designed to guide you step-by-step on your road to mastery of the keys.

    Each of the many lessons contains an instructional portion where Grammy-winning pianist Will Barrow teaches you the day's concepts in detail, followed by a workshop time where you practice them together playing popular songs you already know. The on-screen graphics make it easy to follow along. There's even an animated keyboard which shows exactly what is being played.

    Here are a few screenshots to give you a sense for what these videos look like.

    Easy-to-use menus


    Professional musicians, like Grammy-Winner Suzy Bogguss, help entertain and teach


    Real-time animated keyboard shows exactly what's being played


    "Learning Nuggets" help you remember


    On-screen examples of key concepts


    Your instructor, Grammy-Award Winning Composer/Arranger Will Barrow


    Play-Along CDs

    Most students quickly discover that the Play-Along CDs are their favorite part of the Learn & Master Pianocourse. These CDs allow you to practice your songs with an actual band. And we're not talking about cheesy loops and generic sounding computer tracks either. These recordings were made with professional musicians in a real studio and are designed to help you make beautiful music—right from the start!

    Thanks to the Play-Along CDs, you are going to LOVE your practice times. They also make playing for your friends and family a whole lot more impressive. No one will believe how quickly you're starting to sound like a pro!

    What's more, the 120+ tracks included in the Play-Along CDs are mixed both with and without the piano part. This allows you to play along with Will when you're first learning the song, and then solo with the band whenever you're ready.

    You'll also notice that the Play-Along tracks play at different speeds (slow, medium, and fast) so that you can gradually pick up your pace as you improve. You won't need this later on, but it's incredibly helpful when you're first starting.

    The Play-Along CDs have over 120 tracks for you to play along with! We obviously can't list them all, but here are some sample clips just to give you a taste. As you listen, imagine yourself playing the piano parts. WithLearn & Master Piano, you soon will be!



    Chi nhánh VP1: 422 Đào Duy Anh, P9, Quận Phú Nhuận
    Điện thoại: 0937.385. 351 (Mr Minh)

    Chi nhánh VP2: 79 Nguyễn Thượng Hiền, P5, Quận Bình Thạnh
    Điện thoại: 0164.860.7899 (Mr Tú)

    Lưu ý: VP là nơi nhận đơn đặt hàng (sau khi nhận đơn hàng, chúng tôi sẽ có nhân viên giao hàng tận nơi, miễn phí cho bạn)

    Thời gian giao: trong vòng 24h (hoặc theo thời gian linh động của bạn)

    Thanh toán: Trực tiếp hoặc chuyển khoản

    Hà Nội và các tỉnh khác ( Liên hệ 0937.385. 351 Mr Minh hoặc 0164.860.7899 Mr Tú )

    Nhận hàng bằng chuyển phát nhanh (miễn phí chuyển phát nhanh DVD)
    Thời gian nhận hàng: 48h kể từng lúc thanh toán xong tiền
    Thanh toán: chuyển khoản

    Email: [email protected]

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  2. hung187

    hung187 New Member

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  3. hd1vn_hdplayer

    hd1vn_hdplayer New Member

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    rất hữu ích! chúc tất cả mọi người mau chóng chơi được những bản nhạc mình yêu thích!
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