I would really appreciate an invite to some of the best HD Trackers around. I'm HD freak, and i'm looking for FULL BLURAY's I use 100/100Mbit SEEDbox. I will return good invites with Axx to: WHAT.CD REVTT HD-Bits.ro Please invite me: [email protected] Best Regards, mutant666
Ðề: GREAT HDTRACKER Sure I will add some more information about me I'm from Denmark;-) I'm also member on What.CD, Swedvdr, Pisexy, RevTT, TL, DB, Nordic-T, HD-Bits.RO, Swebits, SoftMp3, Softmupparna and HD-Spain just to mention a few I'm looking for outstanding HD trackers like HDbits.org, HDChina, HDCorea etc... Ratio can be proven at all time!! I use Seedbox 100/100mbit Hope someone will help me out Best Regards, mutant666
Ðề: GREAT HDTRACKER Updated... I'm member here on this site, and it's very highrated and exclusive: This should prove my ratio and seeding (100/100mbit seedbox) Please someone fix an invite to: HDBits.org, hdvnbits.org, HDchina or perhaps something according to those I will return the favor with invite to: Pisexy (outstanding tracker) What.Cd Softmp3 Please forward invite to: [email protected] Also send mail to me with your name and email, I will return invite for you. Best Regards, mutant666
Ðề: GREAT HDTRACKER It's the current policy that hdvnbits.org is for Vietnamese only. I doubt that anyone here, except those high-ranking members of the tracker, would be able to invite you without an expectedly sudden ban. Advised to pm the helpful admin directly for an invitation. By the way, welcome.
Ðề: GREAT HDTRACKER Sorry man, hdvnbits.org is for Vietnamese only so i can't help you. Admin hdvnbits.org.
Ðề: GREAT HDTRACKER OMG This is Viet Nam website , so I think we had better type Vietnamese . By the way @ mutant666 : if you have WHAT.CD invite , Pls send one for me . Tks a lot
Ðề: GREAT HDTRACKER bác seaholland trêu các bác trên kinh thế @mutan: if you really want, just bring your hard drive to HN or SG, you will be satisfied (I really meant)
Ðề: GREAT HDTRACKER trêu ng ta quá đáng ,mấy cái ông gẩm này. @mutan:so sr,we cant help u.Btw,can u close the door when u go out ?thanks so much.