[Fshare] [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

Thảo luận trong 'Phim bộ - Series' bắt đầu bởi vucovu, 3/5/13.

  1. vucovu

    vucovu New Member

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    The Bible 2013 SO01 - Kinh Thánh


    The Bible (2013) - IMDB - Ratings: 7,4/10

    The Bible - 01 - The Beginning – Noah, Abraham thru Jacob, Israel begins.
    The Bible - 02 - The Exodus – Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments.
    The Bible - 03 - The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath.
    The Bible - 04 - The Kingdom – David, Saul, Solomon.
    The Bible - 05 - The Survival – Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem.
    The Bible - 06 - The Revolution – Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist, Jesus and Peter.
    The Bible - 07 - The Mission – Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples.
    The Bible - 08 - The Betrayal – Last supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial.
    The Bible - 09 - The Passion – Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection.
    The Bible - 10 - The Courage – Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos, Revelation.


    Gồm bản 1080 và 720

    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 18/7/14
  2. vucovu

    vucovu New Member

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    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    The Bible - 01 - The Beginning – Noah, Abraham thru Jacob, Israel begins


    The Bible (2013) SO01E01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs
    The Bible (2013 SO01E01
    The Bible is een televieserie, geproduceerd door Roma Downey en Mark Burnett.
    De serie is een live action en computer animatie film en is opgenomen in Marokko en elders.
    Het verhaal is gebaseerd op de Bijbel en gaat 3 maart 2013 in première in de Verenigde Staten.
    In de serie worden de Bijbelse verhalen verteld zoals de Ark van Noach, de Exodus,
    en de Geboorte, Dood en Opstanding van Jezus.
    This is a 10-hour, five-part, mini-series. It will tell some of the best-known stories from 
    the most popular book in human history, 
    from Noah's Ark and the Exodus to Daniel in the Lion's Den to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
    Bron: The Bible SO01E06 1080p BluRay x264 INQUISITION
    Resolution: 1920x1080
    Encode: x264
    Audio: English
    Vertaling Scarlet
    Controle: Allayna
    Sync. BluRay: Scarlet
    Formaat: x264HD
  3. hoangkhaitran

    hoangkhaitran Member

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    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    Phim quá hay dành cho những ai tìm kiếm chân lý và niềm tin và Đấng Tối Cao
    Tạ ơn Chúa vì tình thương của Ngài ấp ủ chúng con suốt cuộc đời
  4. command

    command New Member

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    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    gồm 10 phần lận hả Bác?
    Khi nào có đủ 10 phần vậy
  5. conanpotter

    conanpotter New Member

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    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    mình tìm lâu lắm rồi. Cảm ơn nhiều lắm bạn ơi. Up tiếp mấy phần sau nhé bạn. GBU
  6. vucovu

    vucovu New Member

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    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    Lên hàng đủ ngay thôi bạn, thanks.
  7. vucovu

    vucovu New Member

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    The Bible - 02 - The Exodus – Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea and Ten Commandments


    The Bible (2013) SO01E02 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs
    The Bible (2013 SO01E02
    The Bible is een televieserie, geproduceerd door Roma Downey en Mark Burnett.
    De serie is een live action en computer animatie film en is opgenomen in Marokko en elders.
    Het verhaal is gebaseerd op de Bijbel en gaat 3 maart 2013 in première in de Verenigde Staten.
    In de serie worden de Bijbelse verhalen verteld zoals de Ark van Noach, de Exodus,
    en de Geboorte, Dood en Opstanding van Jezus.
    This is a 10-hour, five-part, mini-series. It will tell some of the best-known stories from 
    the most popular book in human history, 
    from Noah's Ark and the Exodus to Daniel in the Lion's Den to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
    Bron: The Bible SO01E06 1080p BluRay x264 INQUISITION
    Resolution: 1920x1080
    Encode: x264
    Audio: English
    Vertaling Scarlet
    Controle: Allayna
    Sync. BluRay: Scarlet
    Formaat: x264HD
    Le Phan cảm ơn bài này.
  8. vucovu

    vucovu New Member

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    The Bible - 03 - The Homeland – Joshua, Samson, Judges, David & Goliath


    The Bible (2013) SO01E03 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs
    The Bible (2013 SO01E03
    The Bible is een televieserie, geproduceerd door Roma Downey en Mark Burnett.
    De serie is een live action en computer animatie film en is opgenomen in Marokko en elders.
    Het verhaal is gebaseerd op de Bijbel en gaat 3 maart 2013 in première in de Verenigde Staten.
    In de serie worden de Bijbelse verhalen verteld zoals de Ark van Noach, de Exodus,
    en de Geboorte, Dood en Opstanding van Jezus.
    This is a 10-hour, five-part, mini-series. It will tell some of the best-known stories from 
    the most popular book in human history, 
    from Noah's Ark and the Exodus to Daniel in the Lion's Den to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
    Bron: The Bible SO01E06 1080p BluRay x264 INQUISITION
    Resolution: 1920x1080
    Encode: x264
    Audio: English
    Vertaling Scarlet
    Controle: Allayna
    Sync. BluRay: Scarlet
    Formaat: x264HD
    Le Phan cảm ơn bài này.
  9. huyxnguyen

    huyxnguyen Well-Known Member

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    Nhanh quá, mới hôm qua mà giờ đã có 1080p rồi. Hy vọng trong ngày nay sẽ có đủ bộ.

    Thanks bác vucovu nhiều =D>
  10. vucovu

    vucovu New Member

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    The Bible - 04 - The Kingdom – David, Saul, Solomon - Vương Quốc


    The Bible (2013) SO01E04 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs
    The Bible (2013 SO01E04
    The Bible is een televieserie, geproduceerd door Roma Downey en Mark Burnett.
    De serie is een live action en computer animatie film en is opgenomen in Marokko en elders.
    Het verhaal is gebaseerd op de Bijbel en gaat 3 maart 2013 in première in de Verenigde Staten.
    In de serie worden de Bijbelse verhalen verteld zoals de Ark van Noach, de Exodus,
    en de Geboorte, Dood en Opstanding van Jezus.
    This is a 10-hour, five-part, mini-series. It will tell some of the best-known stories from 
    the most popular book in human history, 
    from Noah's Ark and the Exodus to Daniel in the Lion's Den to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
    Bron: The Bible SO01E06 1080p BluRay x264 INQUISITION
    Resolution: 1920x1080
    Encode: x264
    Audio: English
    Vertaling Scarlet
    Controle: Allayna
    Sync. BluRay: Scarlet
    Formaat: x264HD
  11. Coltplus2008

    Coltplus2008 Member

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    Đợi có đủ bộ kéo luôn một lượt. Thanks
    Le Phan cảm ơn bài này.
  12. vucovu

    vucovu New Member

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    The Bible - 05 - The Survival – Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem - Sinh tồn


    The Bible (2013) SO01E05 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs
    The Bible (2013 SO01E05
    The Bible is een televieserie, geproduceerd door Roma Downey en Mark Burnett.
    De serie is een live action en computer animatie film en is opgenomen in Marokko en elders.
    Het verhaal is gebaseerd op de Bijbel en gaat 3 maart 2013 in première in de Verenigde Staten.
    In de serie worden de Bijbelse verhalen verteld zoals de Ark van Noach, de Exodus,
    en de Geboorte, Dood en Opstanding van Jezus.
    This is a 10-hour, five-part, mini-series. It will tell some of the best-known stories from 
    the most popular book in human history, 
    from Noah's Ark and the Exodus to Daniel in the Lion's Den to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
    Bron: The Bible SO01E06 1080p BluRay x264 INQUISITION
    Resolution: 1920x1080
    Encode: x264
    Audio: English
    Vertaling Scarlet
    Controle: Allayna
    Sync. BluRay: Scarlet
    Formaat: x264HD
    shipman_water and Le Phan like this.
  13. vucovu

    vucovu New Member

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    Sẽ xong trong ngày bản 1080 (38.3GB) rồi làm tiếp bản 720 (11.3GB).
  14. vucovu

    vucovu New Member

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    The Bible - 06 - The Revolution – Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist, Jesus and Peter - Hy vọng


    The Bible (2013) SO01E06 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs
    The Bible (2013 SO01E06
    The Bible is een televieserie, geproduceerd door Roma Downey en Mark Burnett.
    De serie is een live action en computer animatie film en is opgenomen in Marokko en elders.
    Het verhaal is gebaseerd op de Bijbel en gaat 3 maart 2013 in première in de Verenigde Staten.
    In de serie worden de Bijbelse verhalen verteld zoals de Ark van Noach, de Exodus,
    en de Geboorte, Dood en Opstanding van Jezus.
    This is a 10-hour, five-part, mini-series. It will tell some of the best-known stories from 
    the most popular book in human history, 
    from Noah's Ark and the Exodus to Daniel in the Lion's Den to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
    Bron: The Bible SO01E06 1080p BluRay x264 INQUISITION
    Resolution: 1920x1080
    Encode: x264
    Audio: English
    Vertaling Scarlet
    Controle: Allayna
    Sync. BluRay: Scarlet
    Formaat: x264HD
    Le Phan cảm ơn bài này.
  15. vucovu

    vucovu New Member

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    The Bible - 07 - The Mission – Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples - Sứ mạng


    The Bible (2013) SO01E07 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs
    The Bible (2013) SO01E07
    The Bible is een televieserie, geproduceerd door Roma Downey en Mark Burnett.
    De serie is een live action en computer animatie film en is opgenomen in Marokko en elders.
    Het verhaal is gebaseerd op de Bijbel en gaat 3 maart 2013 in première in de Verenigde Staten.
    In de serie worden de Bijbelse verhalen verteld zoals de Ark van Noach, de Exodus,
    en de Geboorte, Dood en Opstanding van Jezus.
    This is a 10-hour, five-part, mini-series. It will tell some of the best-known stories from 
    the most popular book in human history, 
    from Noah's Ark and the Exodus to Daniel in the Lion's Den to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
    Bron: The Bible SO01E06 1080p BluRay x264 INQUISITION
    Resolution: 1920x1080
    Encode: x264
    Audio: English
    Vertaling Scarlet
    Controle: Allayna
    Sync. BluRay: Scarlet
    Formaat: x264HD
    Le Phan cảm ơn bài này.
  16. vucovu

    vucovu New Member

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    The Bible - 08 - The Betrayal – Last supper, Judas, Peter’s Denial - Sự phản bội


    The Bible (2013) SO01E08 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs
    The Bible (2013) SO01E08
    The Bible is een televieserie, geproduceerd door Roma Downey en Mark Burnett.
    De serie is een live action en computer animatie film en is opgenomen in Marokko en elders.
    Het verhaal is gebaseerd op de Bijbel en gaat 3 maart 2013 in première in de Verenigde Staten.
    In de serie worden de Bijbelse verhalen verteld zoals de Ark van Noach, de Exodus,
    en de Geboorte, Dood en Opstanding van Jezus.
    This is a 10-hour, five-part, mini-series. It will tell some of the best-known stories from 
    the most popular book in human history, 
    from Noah's Ark and the Exodus to Daniel in the Lion's Den to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
    Bron: The Bible SO01E06 1080p BluRay x264 INQUISITION
    Resolution: 1920x1080
    Encode: x264
    Audio: English
    Vertaling Scarlet
    Controle: Allayna
    Sync. BluRay: Scarlet
    Formaat: x264HD
    Le Phan cảm ơn bài này.
  17. Coltplus2008

    Coltplus2008 Member

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    Sao chủ thớt không đặt tên tập theo thứ tự. DÙng tool down nhiều films xong hơi vất vả để phân biệt. Thanks anyway.
  18. vucovu

    vucovu New Member

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    The Bible - 09 - The Passion – Nicodemus, Caiaphas, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection - Cuộc khổ nạn


    The Bible (2013) SO01E09 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs
    The Bible (2013) SO01E09
    The Bible is een televieserie, geproduceerd door Roma Downey en Mark Burnett.
    De serie is een live action en computer animatie film en is opgenomen in Marokko en elders.
    Het verhaal is gebaseerd op de Bijbel en gaat 3 maart 2013 in première in de Verenigde Staten.
    In de serie worden de Bijbelse verhalen verteld zoals de Ark van Noach, de Exodus,
    en de Geboorte, Dood en Opstanding van Jezus.
    This is a 10-hour, five-part, mini-series. It will tell some of the best-known stories from 
    the most popular book in human history, 
    from Noah's Ark and the Exodus to Daniel in the Lion's Den to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
    Bron: The Bible SO01E06 1080p BluRay x264 INQUISITION
    Resolution: 1920x1080
    Encode: x264
    Audio: English
    Vertaling Scarlet
    Controle: Allayna
    Sync. BluRay: Scarlet
    Formaat: x264HD
    Le Phan cảm ơn bài này.
  19. vucovu

    vucovu New Member

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    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    Tên gốc sau mình để vậy bạn, bạn có thể phân biệt bằng số trong mỗi file nha (VD: BJEIZS8UMZES8 = tập 8, 2SuBJe2 = tập 2).
  20. look@HD

    look@HD Active Member

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được cảm ơn:
    Ðề: [Hành động | Tài liệu | Lịch sử] The Bible 2013 SO01 x264 MKV 1080p Bluray Nl Subs - Kinh Thánh

    Hoan hô bác chủ, còn tập 10 nữa thôi.

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