Hi! with this email we inform you that Awesome-HD is back online and we welcome you to register again. The next 48 hours you will be able to register. After this period of 48 hours the open registration closes and will be replaced by an invitation system. We hope to see you again at Awesome-HD! Your Awesome-HD Team
Ðề: awesome-HD.com open Nó xóa toàn bộ dữ liệu cũ, phải đăng ký lại nick. Nhưng ban căng là giờ không free leech nữa mà số người seed, leech cực ít nên không kéo ratio được.
Ðề: awesome-HD.com open ***** OPEN REGISTRATION IS OVER. ***** - We gave every member 1 invite. You can use it by pressing the "Invitations" button on the index page. CHANGES: - At the moment we are not able to offer free leech. To compensate this, we changed the ratio requirement from 0.7 to 0.3. This should be doable for everyone. - Every internal release 720p and 1080p, will be the only version available. We will remove releases from other encoders as soon as the internal release is on the tracker. This is also a compensation for not being able to offer free leech. - We make no difference anymore between scene- and non-scene encodes. From now on every uploader is required to show the encoder settings of the encode, if it is not encoded by a group/person on the list of trusted encoders. These encoder settings can be retrieved by using MediaInfo. If we believe the encoder settings are not good enough, we will remove the encode. At the moment we have no standards yet, but these will follow shortly for every kind of encode. List of trusted encoders: * EuReKA * ESiR * CtrlHD * DON * BTT * iLL - We start with a short open registration, but after that it will be invites only. - Inactive accounts will be pruned after 14 days. We want an active community with real members. - (only important for uploaders) The new announce url: http://awesome-hd.com:2710/announce - We added a bookmark functionality to the site. - We added a YouTube functionality to the site.