[Trung Tâm Thúy Nga | Remux.MKV | Full Chapter] BỘ SƯU TẬP Paris By Night 1080i TỪ SỐ 104 ĐẾN 125+

Thảo luận trong 'Bluray Remux' bắt đầu bởi coti, 6/11/15.


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  1. coti

    coti HD rip

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    minhdang08 cảm ơn bài này.
  2. ngoctai125

    ngoctai125 New Member

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    Cho em hỏi đã có PBN 121 chưa ạ
  3. coti

    coti HD rip

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    Đã có PBN 121 rồi bạn ạ.
    ailangthang and ngoctai125 like this.
  4. ailangthang

    ailangthang Active Member

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    Chờ pác lên hàng ẹp :D
    coti cảm ơn bài này.
  5. coti

    coti HD rip

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    Cảm ơn bạn. Đợi lâu quá à!
  6. ailangthang

    ailangthang Active Member

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    Em có "hàng của EbP" rùi, nhưng vẫn thích "hàng của pác" :D
  7. phan phong tan

    phan phong tan Well-Known Member

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    Mày mò thấy được trang này, thích quá vì bị hỏng 01 ổ cứng 01TB chứa 7, 8 số trong đó. Giờ có thể lấy lại được rồi Cám ơn Bạn rất nhiều. Chúc nhiều sức khoẻ và thành công.
  8. coti

    coti HD rip

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    Đã có Paris By Night 122: Song ca nhạc vàng 2017
    HD 1080i
    HD 720p
  9. minhdong

    minhdong New Member

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    bạn có PBN DIVAS không cho mình xin với .Thanks bạn nhiều
  10. coti

    coti HD rip

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    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 28/2/18
    tranthanh70 cảm ơn bài này.
  11. minhdong

    minhdong New Member

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    PBN DIVAS 2016 bị lỗi rồi bạn ơi
  12. coti

    coti HD rip

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  13. VietrocK

    VietrocK Well-Known Member

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    Hà Nội
    Vừa down trọn bộ Remux của bác Coti để lưu trữ.
    Tuy nhiên nhờ bác Coti xem lại 3 số: 109, 111115: em đã down lại 3 lần rồi vẫn bị lỗi như nhau, chứng tỏ khó có khả năng do việc download mà nhiều khả năng do lỗi file gốc hoặc lỗi khi bác upload.
    Lỗi cụ thể của cả 3 số giống nhau: file gốc down về xem ngay đoạn đầu bị khựng hình, rải rác ở các đoạn khác nhau trong toàn bộ chương trình có chỗ bị khựng hình như vậy. Dúng MKV Toolnix để remux lại file thì đều báo lỗi nhiều chỗ phải resycn, kết quả file sau khi mux đến đoạn giữa bị lệch hình và tiếng (rất có thể do lỗi khung hình từ file gốc gây ra).
    Phiền bác Coti xem lại 3 số này và nếu đúng file upload bị lỗi thì bác up lại file chuẩn để anh em sưu tậm trọn bộ ngon lành.
    Cảm ơn bác!
  14. phan phong tan

    phan phong tan Well-Known Member

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    Việt Nam
    Mình cũng tải về số 109 nhưng xem bình thường mà bạn.
  15. VietrocK

    VietrocK Well-Known Member

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    Hầu hết là bình thường, nhưng sẽ có 1 vài chỗ bị giật khựng khung hình bạn nhé, bạn cứ mở ra xem từ đầu tới cuối không bỏ phút nào sẽ thấy!
  16. VietrocK

    VietrocK Well-Known Member

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    Hà Nội
    Đây là Warning báo lỗi khi remux lại số 109 bằng MKV ToolNix:
    --- Warnings emitted by job 'Multiplexing to file "Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.109.30th.Anniversary.Celebration.2013.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv" in directory "D:\Video\PBN"' started on 2017-07-12 09:04:00 ---
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.109.30th.Anniversary.Celebration.2013.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 3586221394. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 00:34:47.852000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 3586620975.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 02:14:37.303000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.109.30th.Anniversary.Celebration.2013.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 3603294367. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 02:14:47.313000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 3603781927.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 00:34:59.064000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.109.30th.Anniversary.Celebration.2013.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 3628219924. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 00:35:15.146000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 3629077084.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 02:15:01.627000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.109.30th.Anniversary.Celebration.2013.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 3642439720. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 02:15:07.049000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 3642655807.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 00:35:24.623000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.109.30th.Anniversary.Celebration.2013.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 3649371272. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 00:35:28.352000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 3649410763.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 02:15:10.269000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.109.30th.Anniversary.Celebration.2013.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 3666200332. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 02:15:18.160000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 3666888390.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 00:35:40.171000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.109.30th.Anniversary.Celebration.2013.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 32150708459. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 04:52:35.905000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 32167157516.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 04:52:42.745000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.109.30th.Anniversary.Celebration.2013.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 35757246497. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 05:26:05.713000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 35773862014.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 05:26:11.552000000.
  17. VietrocK

    VietrocK Well-Known Member

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    Đây là Warning báo lỗi khi remux lại số 111 bằng MKV ToolNix:
    --- Warnings emitted by job 'Multiplexing to file "Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.111.S.2014.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv" in directory "D:\Video\PBN"' started on 2017-07-12 09:22:25 ---
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.111.S.2014.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 15918221104. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 02:23:26.064000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 15918460235.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 01:38:09.684000000.
    'D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.111.S.2014.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv': A block was found at timestamp 01:38:11.873000000 for track number 57. However, no headers where found for that track number. The block will be skipped.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.111.S.2014.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 15935224654. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 01:38:25.733000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 15939816273.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 01:38:30.472000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.111.S.2014.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 15956070260. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 01:38:41.886000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 15956396085.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 02:23:49.020000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.111.S.2014.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 16043339899. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 02:24:41.556000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 16043573857.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 01:40:36.864000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.111.S.2014.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 16061290027. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 01:41:00.021000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 16061435501.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 02:24:51.183000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.111.S.2014.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 16191053434. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 02:25:58.316000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 16192406323.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 01:44:01.235000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.111.S.2014.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 16207954144. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 01:44:21.189000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 16208726536.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 02:26:06.825000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.111.S.2014.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 17637583284. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 02:35:48.823000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 17637823003.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 02:13:41.280000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.111.S.2014.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 17654814754. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 02:14:05.304000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 17655155243.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 02:35:55.847000000.
  18. VietrocK

    VietrocK Well-Known Member

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    Hà Nội
    Đây là Warning báo lỗi khi remux lại số 115 bằng MKV ToolNix:
    --- Warnings emitted by job 'Multiplexing to file "Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv" in directory "D:\Video\PBN"' started on 2017-07-12 15:28:54 ---
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 2140193631. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 00:17:55.207000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 2140438838.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 04:11:26.538000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 2156196958. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 04:11:48.927000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 2156732041.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 00:18:02.014000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 9102722136. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 01:18:19.968000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 9103972899.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 01:02:00.784000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 9119195705. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 01:02:19.603000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 9119305674.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 01:18:28.737000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 9122918058. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 01:18:30.706000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 9123228463.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 01:02:26.009000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 9139832040. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 01:02:46.697000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 9140015428.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 01:18:39.748000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 16547625492. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 02:34:37.335000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 16549103593.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 03:14:11.340000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 16563952838. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 03:14:23.819000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 16564106451.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 02:34:49.714000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 16630823432. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 02:35:26.534000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 16631524720.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 03:15:25.214000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 16648421630. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 03:15:38.594000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 16648840786.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 02:35:37.361000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 18351214913. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 02:50:07.564000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 18352251491.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 03:44:18.479000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 18367772466. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 03:44:35.763000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 18368402486.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 02:50:15.005000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 18413388108. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 02:50:37.778000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 18414905494.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 03:44:53.914000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 18430077585. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 03:45:06.460000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 18430361960.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 02:50:44.501000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 18581280077. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 02:52:04.514000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 18581654321.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 03:46:53.700000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 18598150564. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 03:47:05.212000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 18598434416.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 02:52:14.591000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 18644017811. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 02:52:42.586000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 18644294669.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 03:47:41.982000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 18661493589. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 03:47:53.260000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 18662146572.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 02:52:54.331000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 19630385600. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 03:01:24.640000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 19632967121.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 03:01:26.075000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 19860878690. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 03:03:42.645000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 19861848396.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 04:08:58.457000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 19876897891. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 04:09:20.279000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 19877056804.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 03:03:53.623000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 20427671188. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 03:10:03.125000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 20429029782.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 04:20:15.800000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 20443828371. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 04:20:34.986000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 20445169377.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 03:10:09.965000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 20510831265. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 03:10:32.421000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 20510890439.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 04:21:20.365000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 20527715133. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 04:21:38.550000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 20528773069.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 03:10:38.880000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 23950156042. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 03:37:44.702000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 23950410480.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 01:24:49.752000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 23966435469. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 01:25:30.259000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 23967086296.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 03:37:57.698000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 31960937531. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 04:50:33.850000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 31961997450.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 00:02:25.479000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 31978167207. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 00:02:40.027000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 31978490295.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 04:50:41.391000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 32086652235. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 04:51:32.258000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 32087019655.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 00:04:15.088000000.
    D:\Video\Thúy.Nga.Paris.by.Night.115.Vẻ.Đẹp.Á.Đông.2015.1080i.BluRay.Remux.AC3.x264-Coti.mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 32103307312. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    The last timecode processed before the error was encountered was 00:04:26.099000000.
    Resyncing successful at position 32103928198.
    The first cluster timecode after the resync is 04:51:40.450000000.
  19. VietrocK

    VietrocK Well-Known Member

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    Up lên cho bác Coti để ý lại :)
  20. VietrocK

    VietrocK Well-Known Member

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    Chờ bác coti fix lâu quá nên em đã tự download Bluray nguyên gốc chuẩn về rồi remux lại cho các số bị lỗi mà em đã phát hiện ra gồm 109, 111 và 115. Em đang upload dần lên và share link cho các bác đến sau muốn sưu tập trọn bộ remux PBN mà không có bất cứ lỗi lầm nào.
    Đầu tiên là số Thúy Nga - Paris by Night 109: 30th Anniversary Celebration (2013)
    Nhấn nút Cảm ơn (dưới chân bài) để thấy link!
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 7/3/18

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