[MULTI] PBS 2014 Operation Maneater HDTV Vie ~ Chiến Dịch Thú ăn Thịt Người ( Thuyết minh)

Thảo luận trong 'Phim tài liệu - Documentaries' bắt đầu bởi adm820, 17/10/18.

  1. adm820

    adm820 Moderator Thành viên BQT

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    In OPERATION MANEATER, veterinarian Mark Evans uses technology to tackle three of nature's deadliest giants: the Nile Crocodile, the Polar Bear, and the Great White Shark. When these animals attack humans, both sides lose out. Mark Evans is on a personal mission to find ways to break the circle of violence. Follow him as he tries out ingenious high-tech solutions to the most hostile wildlife conflicts on Earth.

    Great White Shark

    The Southwest Australian coast near Perth is the shark attack capital of the world. Last summer saw a record number of five fatal shark attacks. Australians love to swim, surf and dive, but many are now scared to enter the water. The situation has become so desperate that the authorities have implemented radical measures - sharks found near beachgoers can now be hunted and killed

    Polar Bear

    Mark Evans travels to the shores of Canada's Hudson Bay. Every year bears congregate along this coast as they wait for the sea ice to harden so they can they head north and feast on seals. But bold bears are venturing into the towns of Churchill and Arviat and are terrorizing local residents. Three people have been viciously attacked in recent months and bears are regularly shot dead in self-defence


    Mark Evans travels to the reputed croc attack capital of the world: Namibia's Chobe River. Crocodiles eat more humans than any other predator and Africa's Nile crocodiles are notoriously aggressive. Namibian conservation efforts to save Nile Crocodiles have been more than successful. Crocodiles here are growing in number, attacks are on the rise and locals are killing crocs in retaliation
    rongcanlc, mydaden, DML and 9 others like this.
  2. adm820

    adm820 Moderator Thành viên BQT

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  4. adm820

    adm820 Moderator Thành viên BQT

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  5. yukida

    yukida New Member

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    Thanks Chủ thớt, bộ phim hay thật.
    thuongla cảm ơn bài này.
  6. adm820

    adm820 Moderator Thành viên BQT

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