Runtime: 90 mins Language: Japanese Country: Japan All Genres: Animation, Sci-Fi, War Director: Kou Matsuo Plot: Eight months after the One Year War, the Earth Federation attempts to secure and destroy the Psycho Zaku from the hands of a cult called South Seas Alliance. Cast: Johnny Yong Bosch as Daryl Lorenz Max Mittelman as Io Fleming Cherami Leigh as Claudia Peer Tara Sands as Karla Mitchum / Carolina Laura Megan Stahl as Bianca Carlyle Christian La Monte as Cornelius Kaka PHP: Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt: Bandit Flower 2017 1080p UHD BluRay FLAC 2.1 x264-LoRDGENERAL iNFORMATiONiMDB LiNK......: |Animation|Sci-Fi|War|||||RELEASE DATE...: 13/04/2021NUMBER ENCODE..: 1173ENCODER........: barritusTECHNICAL iNFORMATiONRELEASE NAME...: Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt: Bandit Flower 2017 1080p UHD BluRay FLAC 2.1 x264-LoRDRELEASE SiZE...: 12.3 GiBRUNTiME........: 1:29:51[h:m:s]ViDEO CODEC....: x264,crf,High@L4.1FRAMERATE......: 23.976 fpsBiTRATE........: 14.9 Mb/sASPECT RATiO...: 16:9RESOLUTiON.....: 1920x1080pCHAPTERS.......: YesAUDiO#1........: Japanese FLAC 2.1 @ 1988 Kbps->[Encoded with Adobe Audition]AUDiO#2........: English FLAC 2.1 @ 1986 Kbps->[Encoded with Adobe Audition]AUDiO#3........: Japanese DD 2.0 @ 640 Kbps->[Commentary by Cast and Staff]SUBTiTLES......: eng,tur->[.srt-ass]SOURCE.........: Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt: Bandit Flower 2017 UHD BluRay 2160p DTS-HD MA 2.1 HEVC REMUX-FraMeSToR[Thx!]#x264 LOG:x264 [info]: frame I:1138 Avg QP:09.84 size:257195x264 [info]: frame P:29183 Avg QP:10.52 size:143433x264 [info]: frame B:98943 Avg QP:10.39 size:56315x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 3.9% 5.2% 6.4% 21.6% 10.7% 17.4% 6.6% 22.1% 6.2%Encoded 129264 Frames, 3.83 fps, 14913.39 kb/s ~ Encoding Duration 09:35:55 |UHD SOURCE|LoRD| Link tải