HN-Toàn quốc Bán Buffalo tại Việt Nam

Thảo luận trong 'Sản phẩm non-HD (old)' bắt đầu bởi lequangnam, 17/12/11.

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  1. lequangnam

    lequangnam New Member

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    Việt Nam
    BUFFALO Xin liên hệ Mr Nam: 0917.366.729 để được tư vấn
    YM : le.quangnam - Skype: Songha20003

    TeraStation™ is a larger capacity NAS device with robust RAID 5 capability. The redundancy of four separate hard drives in RAID 5 or RAID 1 modes means that even if a hard drive fails, your data is safe. You may also use them in spanning mode, allowing maximum capacity and performance. Ideal for homes and small to medium businesses that want massive, easy-to-deploy, easy-to-manage redundant network storage.

    TS-8VH : TeraStation Pro 8 Bay
    TS-6VH : TeraStation Pro 6 Bay
    TS-QVH : TeraStation™ Pro

    TS-WVH : TeraStation™ Pro Duo

    TS-RVH : TeraStation™ Pro Rackmount
    TS-RX : TeraStation III Rackmount
    TS-XL : TeraStation™ III
    TS-WXL : TeraStation Duo
    TS-XEL : TeraStation™ ES

    TeraStation WSS

    The Buffalo TeraStation WSS Windows Storage Server has been specially designed to provide an affordable, high performant entry NAS solution for small and medium sized office environments, giving full integration with a Windows environment, along with the ease and familiar intuitive administration that Windows brings.

    WS-WVHL : TeraStation Pro Duo WSS
    WS-QVL : TeraStation Pro Quad WSS
    WS-6VL : TeraStation Pro 6 WSS
    WS-RVL : TeraStation Pro Rackmount WSS
    WS-QL : TeraStation™ Windows Storage Server

    TeraStation™ iSCSI

    Buffalo TeraStation iSCSI Desktop/Rackmount offers high speed and reliable iSCSI storage solution with affordable price for Soho/SMB users. The ideal choice for small to medium size businesses looking to implement a high-speed and reliable RAID based iSCSI solution.

    TS-IX : TeraStation™ III iSCSI
    TS-RIX : TeraStation™ III iSCSI Rackmount


    LinkStation™ is a single-drive NAS that makes it easy to add shared storage space to your network. All of your computers and network devices can access files from a LinkStation connected to your network. Ideal for homes and small offices that want easy to use, easy to manage centralised network storage.

    LS-CHL : LinkStation Live™
    LS-XL : LinkStation Live
    LS-VL : LinkStation Pro
    LS-WXL : LinkStation™ Duo
    LS-WVL: LinkStation Pro Duo
    LS-WSXL : LinkStation™ Mini
    LS-QVL : LinkStation™ Pro Quad

    Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ
    Lê Quang Nam (Mr.)
    Mobile: 0917.366.729
    E_mail: [email protected]
    YM : Le.quangnam - Skype: Songha20003
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