[Fshare] De Luar - The Adventures of Mona Vali (2015) [FLAC] {Folk, Jazz Rock}

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  1. invisible9x

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    De Luar - The Adventures of Mona Vali (2015) [FLAC] {Folk, Jazz Rock}



    1. Chapter I 05:42

    - Escaping their prison (0:00 - 2:44)

    - First breath of freadom (2:45 - 5:13) - Hope (5:14 - 5:41) 2. Chapter II 06:49 - Entering the old forest (5:42 - 6:54) - Finding the two headed eagle (6:55 - 9:11) Gifts and Weapons (9:12 - 11:04) - Faith (11:05 - 12:30) 3. Chapter III 02:44 - The bridhe of Chaos (12:31 - 15:12) 4. Chapter IV 06:05 - The unreal castle (15:13 - 17:49) - Dancing shadows (17:50 - 18:40) - Illusions (18:41 - 21:19) 5. Chapter V 05:16 - Miracle (21:20 - 22:06) - Courage (22:07 - 23:55) - Bathed in light (23:56 - 26:36)

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