Mã: Plot: A once confident police officer, loving husband and devoted father, Jake Dylan learns that it only takes one moment, one choice, to change lives forever. Unable to cope with an undercover operation gone tragically wrong, Dylan’s life spirals out of control and down a path of self destruction; he abandons his job… Genre: Drama | Thriller IMDB rating: (awaiting 5 votes) Directed by: Alex Freitas,Nicole Sykes Starring: Phil MacFadden, Rachael Ancheril, Valerie Morrissey, Christian Bako Release Name: Domino.Effect.2008.DVDRip.XViD-SPRiNTER Size: 700 MB Video: XVID 576×272 1101 Kbps 23.976 fps Audio: English MP3 130 Kbps Runtime: 1h 18mn DOWNLOAD LINK: Mã: http://hotfile.com/dl/69724065/1156009/sprinter-xvid-dea.rar.html OR http://www.fileserve.com/file/AjJEUX7/sprinter-xvid-dea.rar ENJOY ! Don't Forget to Look My Other Sharings