Mã: Genre:Drama Plot Outline:A young American studying in Paris in 1968 strikes up a friendship with a French brother and sister. Set against the background of the '68 Paris student riots. Plot Keywords:Toothbrush / Hotel / Lighter / Record / French Awards:8 nominations User Comments:All dreamers must eventually wake up Also Known As:Innocents - The dreamers (France) Innocents, Les (France) Paris '68 (UK) (working title) The dreamers - I sognatori (Italy) MPAA:Rated NC-17 for explicit sexual content. Runtime:115 min / USA:112 min (R-rated version) Country:UK / France / Italy Language:English / French Color:Black and White / Color Certification:Israel:18 / Canada:18A (British Columbia) / Iceland:16 / Taiwan:R-18 / Peru:18 / Hungary:18 / Canada:R (Alberta/Manitoba/Ontario) / Canada:18 (Nova Scotia) / Argentina:16 / Australia:R / Brazil:16 / Canada:16 (Qu?bec) / Denmark:11 / Finland:K-15 / France:-12 / Germany:16 / Hong Kong:III / Ireland:18 / Italy:VM14 / Japan:R-18 / MalaysiaBanned) / Netherlands:16 / New Zealand:R18 / Norway:15 / Portugal:M/16 / Singapore:R21 (cut) / South Korea:18 / Spain:18 / Sweden:15 / UK:18 / USA:NC-17 (original rating) / USA:R (cut) Filming Locations:Paris, France Mã: http://www.fileserve.com/file/HPk7gxc/The.Dreamers.avi.001 http://www.fileserve.com/file/Da8Ck2d/The.Dreamers.avi.002