[MULTI] Giovanni Marradi - South American Memories (2007) [WAV] {New Age, Easy Listening, Instrumental}

Thảo luận trong 'Nhạc không lời' bắt đầu bởi vnltue, 5/4/18.

  1. vnltue

    vnltue Well-Known Member

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    Một album New Age rất hay của Giovanni Marradi, mời các bác tải về thưởng thức!:)
    Giovanni Marradi - South American Memories (南美记忆)
    | WAV+CUE | 377MB | New Age, Easy Listening, Instrumental | 2007 |
    Giovanni Marradi, born of Italian heritage, is one of the most successful expressionist pianists of the 21st Century (Composer, recording artist, arranger, performer, inventor and cartoonist). One hundred twenty thousand CDs sold in one 120 minute segment on QVC! A record that still stands as one of Giovanni’s outstanding achievements. Selling over four million CD's during his appearances on QVC and The Home Shopping Network alone.

    Giovanni also produced, directed and hosted "Giovanni's World of Music". A 28 TV series Broadcast on stations around the world, distributed by “Warner Brothers Television”. Both "Giovanni's World of Music" and Giovanni himself have been nominated for and received several awards from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. The Telly Awards, EMA and the New York Festivals. His Specials on PBS are still being replayed. Giovanni has recorded over 150 CD’s and two DVD’s from his TV Specials. Today he continues to compose, teach, record and perform for audiences around the world. (Giovanni.com)


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    AnHy, qsg4516, Wanderman and 111 others like this.

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