Multi - Poster Ultimate with Loader (100 % Cracked) Mã: The Multi-Poster ultimate has brought many features as requested by premium users. Increased functionality, advanced options and many time-saving features have made this the easiest, fastest and most useful of the Multi-Poster applications to date. - Add and unlimitied amount of your own forums - Add unlimited posts to the que - Send to as many forums as your internet connection will allow at the same time - Load/Save your posts. - Preview your post - Dynamic "Saved Templates" resizing for easy selection - Re-designed outlay for better post creation - Advanced HTTP customization (User-Agent/Time-Out) - 26 New chooseable skins - 45 In-Built Areas - 10 Custom re-nameable areas - 10 Custom re-nameable Groups - 10 Custom Icons - Retry failed posts - Mass Import/Export Templates - Credential checking and Quick-Register Buttons FIRST U MUST RUN MutliPosterLoader and then will be automicly run cracked software Mã: DOWNLOAD MULTI LINKS
Ðề: [HTTP] Multi - Poster Ultimate with Loader (100 % Cracked) cái này có chức năng gì thế, không hiểu đưa vào đây làm gì :|