[Fshare] Jen Shyu & Jade Tongue - Sounds And Cries Of the World (2015) [FLAC] {Jazz Vocal, Modern}

Thảo luận trong 'Nhạc quốc tế' bắt đầu bởi invisible9x, 10/1/16.

  1. invisible9x

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    Jen Shyu & Jade Tongue - Sounds And Cries Of the World (2015) [FLAC] {Jazz Vocal, Modern}



    1. Song of Kwan Wen

    2. Bloom’s Mouth Rushed In

    3. Mother of Time 4. Moxa 5. Aku Yang Lahir Dari Air Mata / Båwå Sidå Asih 6. Para Pembakar Ombak 7. She Held Fire 8. Rai Nakukun Ba Dadauk Ona 9. Song for Naldo 10. Thoughts of Light and Freedom

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    samuraitruong and delfinohugo like this.

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