[Fshare] Miles Davis + 19. Orchesrtra under the direction of Gil Evans - Miles Ahead (2000) [SACD-ISO] {Jazz}

Thảo luận trong 'Nhạc quốc tế' bắt đầu bởi invisible9x, 10/4/16.

  1. invisible9x

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    Miles Davis + 19. Orchesrtra under the direction of Gil Evans - Miles Ahead (2000) [SACD-ISO] {Jazz}



    01. Springsville

    02. The Maids of Cadiz

    03. The Duke 04. My Ship 05. Miles Ahead 06. Blues for Pablo 07. New Rhumba 08. The Meaning of the Blues 09. Lament 10. I Don’t Wanna Be Kissed (by Anyone but You)

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