[MULTI] [MU+HF+FS] U-571 (2000) 720p BluRay AC3 x264 - GHoST

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  1. everlasting

    everlasting New Member

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    MOViE TiTLE .........: U-571
    RELEASE YEAR ........: 2000

    GENRE ...............: Action | Drama | War

    iMDB RATiNG .........: 6.4/10 (32,445 votes) LANGUAGE ............: English SUBTiTLES ...........: English Muxed COMPLETE NAME .......: u571-0-0.m720.264.ac3.ghost-hd.mkv FORMAT ..............: Matroska (.MKV) FiLE SiZE ...........: 2.73 GiB DURATiON ............: 1h 56mn OVERALL BiT RATE ....: 3 361 Kbps ViDEO DURATiON ............: 1h 56mn BiT RATE ............: 2 950 Kbps WiDTH ...............: 1 280 pixels HEiGTH ..............: 544 pixels DiSPLAY ASPECT RATiO : 2.35:1 FRAME RATE ..........: 23.976 fps RESOLUTiON ..........: 24 bits COLORiMETRY .........: 4:2:0 SCAN TYPE ...........: Progressive AUDiO FORMAT ..............: AC-3 DURATiON ............: 1h 56mn BiT RATE MODE .......: Constant BiT RATE ............: 448 Kbps CHANNEL (S) .........: 6 channels CHANNEL POSiTiONS ...: Front: L C R, Surround: L R, LFE SAMPLiNG RATE .......: 48.0 KHz










    The film begins with a summary on how the Allies are struggling to stop U-boats from sinking their freighters. The scene transfers to U-571, which torpedoes and sinks a British freighter. The crew are happy with the kill but seconds later, however, the sonar man reports to have detected high speed screws. The captain turns the periscope to sight a destroyer moving in, forcing U-571 to dive. The destroyer drops depth charges; unfortunately for the submarine, the depth charging snaps a fuel line which ignites while the engine crew attempt to patch it, setting them all on fire. Due to the amount of damage sustained, the captain orders U-571 to resurface. The captain learns from his chief who extinguished the fire in the engine room that their batteries are practically flat, both diesel engines are inoperable, and all of their engineering crew are dead. After passing word to conserve electricity, he has his radioman send an SOS to Berlin for aid.

    Meanwhile, the crew of a United States Navy submarine, S-33 are celebrating the wedding of crewman Larson and leave for 48 hours. During the party, Lt. Tyler enters looking solemn, having been denied his own command. After complaining to Lieutenant Commander Dahlgren (Tyler's commanding officer and captain of the S-33), he is rebuffed and upset to learn that Dahlgren voted against him receiving the promotion. While talking to the chief of the boat, military policemen suddenly arrive to announce the end of their shore leave for a secret mission. All the men arrive at the base to find their boat, the S-33, being modified to resemble a U-Boat. Hirsch, a Naval Intelligence officer who is fluent in German, orders Tyler to locate Radioman Wentz, who is fluent in German due to his immigrant parents. At the same time a Marine named Coonan arrives in a convoy loaded with high explosives. After the S-33 sails, Hirsch explains that the Allies intercepted the disabled U-571's SOS. They are going to masquerade as the resupply ship U-571 called for, board the ship, capture her enigma coding device and then scuttle the U-571. Tyler is skeptical about the scheme working, but goes along.

    Back on U-571, attempted repairs fail and the captain is alerted that survivors from the merchant ship he sank have been spotted on a lifeboat asking for asylum. He orders his men to shoot them as their orders are not to spare any survivors. His men reluctantly do so.

    During a rainstorm, the S-33 comes across U-571 and sends her boarding party over, led by Coonan. Hirsch temporarily freezes and Wentz is forced to speak German in front of his friends in order for the group to retain their cover until their rafts are tied up. They then take the boat by force, capture the Enigma and begin rounding up the prisoners including the captain. As the prisoners are transferred between ships and the scuttling charges are laid, the S-33 is torpedoed and sunk by the real resupply sub. Lieutenant Commander Dahlgren, wounded in the water, orders his men on the captured U-boat to submerge and save themselves. (This scene was based on an actual incident in World War II: Commander Howard W. Gilmore, USN, after being seriously wounded in an encounter with a Japanese destroyer, ordered his men to abandon him on deck and submerge to save the ship and crew. Gilmore was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his sacrifice. The movie quotes Gilmore's last recorded words: "Take her down.") Coonan, Larson and many others are lost, forcing Tyler to take command and dive the captured U-boat. After struggling with interpreting the German controls they fire a salvo of torpedoes destroying the enemy U-Boat, draining the last of the sub's batteries and spending all but the last torpedo, loaded in the malfunctioning aft torpedo tube. Surfacing, Tyler and his men search for survivors and find two: the black cook from the S-33, Eddy, and a German sailor claiming to be an electrician, but who is actually the captain of U-571.

    After repairing one of the diesel engines, thus restoring power and propulsion, Tyler decides to take the disabled submarine to England. Some of the men disagree with Tyler's decision, and Tyler replies with "I don't know," to their questions. Chief Gunner Klough privately rebukes Tyler, saying "A captain always knows what to do, whether he does or not," and also rebukes Mazzola in front of others for openly disagreeing with Tyler. They spot an aircraft, and Mazzola tries to convince Rabbit to fire on the plane against Tyler's orders which appears to be coming in for an attack, but is only scouting for a German destroyer named the Anschluss. The captured German captain breaks free and attacks Tank and kills Mazzola before being subdued. Unaware that the U-571 has been commandeered by Americans, the Anschluss sends over a small contingent to meet and greet with their 'German comrades'. Right before boarders arrive, the crew of the U-571 fires a shot into the ship's radio tower and dives underneath her. The destroyer begins to drop depth charges to try to sink U-571.

    Tyler plans to trick the destroyer into stopping by ejecting debris and the body of Mazzola out of an empty torpedo tube, faking their own destruction. U-571 will then surface and hit the ship with their last torpedo.

    The German destroyer continues dropping depth charges. U-571, hiding at great depth of below 200 meters, is damaged by the high water pressure. In preventing the submarine from sinking, control of the main ballast tanks are lost and the ship ascends uncontrollably. Mr.Tyler orders Chief to order Trigger to soak himself in the bilge underwater while repressurizing the tubes. While surfacing the German prisoner tries to warn the destroyer in Morse Code that they're not dead yet. Wentz translates the message in German, "I'm U-571. Destroy me." Enraged, Mr. Hirsch kills the prisoner. U-571 surfaces without a torpedo to fire. The destroyer fires on the ship, which runs using its diesel engine, but takes heavy damage from the destroyer's deck guns and starts to flood. Trigger does his job and Tank fires the final torpedo. The German ship is destroyed; however 2 new problems encountered the crew. Not only does Trigger drown while carrying out his order, but U-571 has taken severe damage and will not stay afloat for long - the crew abandons ship with the Enigma in tow and watches her sink, seemingly mourning both for their lost crewmates and also for the German sub which ironically saved their lives. Floating aboard an inflatable lifeboat, they are eventually spotted by a US Navy PBY Catalina flying boat.


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