Phil Collins Going Back Live At.Roseland Ballroom NYC.2010 Blue-Ray.1080i

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  1. tonytruong

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    Việt Nam
    Phil Collins Going Back Live At.Roseland Ballroom NYC.2010 Blue-Ray.1080i-
    DTS-HD Master Audio

    [B]Artist : Phil is Collins
    Styles : Classic Rock , Blues , Jazz
    3 pm New York City Roseland Ballroom 23-25 ??June 2010 gave a series of speeches in the support for the start of the first,
    the last eight years, a full-fledged studio album by Phil Collins Going Back.
    The whole album is made up of the cover-versions klassikiMotown 1960-x's, style, to which Collins returned repeatedly throughout his solo career.
    Kover version of "You Can not Hurry Love" topped the British charts in 1982.
    As Collins has said repeatedly during the 2010, the album Going Back completes his solo career.

    [B]File: Phil is Collins - Going the the Back the Live the At the Roseland Ballroom the NYC (2010) Blu-Ray 1080i
    Disc Title:     Phil.Collins.Going.Back.Live.At.Roseland.Ballroom.NYC.2010.Blue-Ray.1080i
    Disc Size:      40,522,841,580 bytes
    Protection:     AACS
    BD-Java:        No
    BDInfo:         0.5.8
    Name:                   00004.MPLS
    Length:                 1:37:59.640 (
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    Codec                  Bitrate             Description
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    MPEG-4 AVC Video        27944 kbps          1080i / 29.970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
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    DTS-HD Master Audio             English         5140 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 5140 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
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    Presentation Graphics           Dutch           0.002 kbps 
    Presentation Graphics           Portuguese      0.002 kbps 
    Name            Time In         Length          Size            Total Bitrate
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    24              1:26:53.741     0:03:06.252     30,275 kbps     47,785 kbps     01:28:58.733    35,815 kbps     01:29:49.450    33,033 kbps     01:27:35.950    126,271 bytes   348,446 bytes   01:28:58.766
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    01. the Signed, the Sealed, Delivered
    02. Is not for Too Proud the To Beg
    03. Girl (Why You Wanna the Make Me, the Blue)
    04. for Dancing with In of The Street
    05. (Love Is Like A) Heatwave
    06. Papa Was A to Rollin 'Stone
    07. for Never Dreamed You'd Leave with In Summer
    08. by Jimmy the Mack
    09. You've Been Cheating
    10. I of the Do You Love
    11. Loving You Is Sweeter Than of Ever
    12. A Going the the To the Go-the Go
    13. Blame the the On It of Sun of The
    14. Is not That Peculiar
    15. for Too Many Fish with In the Sea of The
    16. You've for Really A's Got the Hold the On Me,
    17. for Something About You
    18. of The for Tears Of A Clown
    19. Nowhere the To the Run
    20. with In the My for Lonely Room
    21. of Take Me, with In Your Arms is, Rock Me, A Little a While
    22. Uptight (Everything's Alright's)
    23. Going the the Back
    24. Talking About the My Baby
    25. You the Can not Hurry Love
    26. the My Girl
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    Dung Lượng: 37.74 GB

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