Title : Shelley (2016) Genres: Drama, Horror Director: Ali Abbasi Writer: Ali Abbasi, Maren Louise Käehne Actors: Ellen Dorrit Petersen, Cosmina Stratan, Björn Andrésen, Marlon Kindberg Bach Rating: 5.2 Votes: 976 Rated: N/A Runtime : 92 min Mã: Louise and Kasper want to become parents but Louise is unable to have children. She seals a pact with her Romanian maid, Elena, to bear Louise's child, but things don't turn out as they planned. iMDb: Mã: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5013688/ Youtube Trailer: Mã: http://youtube.com/watch?v=OTc5RSuQkxQ Video Info File: shelley.2016.limited.dvdrip.x264-cadaver.mkv Size : 287857445 bytes (274.52 MiB), duration: 01:28:25, avg.bitrate: 434 kb/s Audio : aac, 48000 Hz, stereo (eng) Video : h264, yuv420p, 716x300, 25.00 fps(r) Screenshot: Mã: http://rapidgator.net/file/fcc1a36c3a8cb4f51a1261920aed3f99/Shelley2016LIMITEDDVDRipx264CADAVER.rar.html