[Fshare] TACET - World Premiere - Demo Disc, Moving Real Surround Sound (2004) [SACD - ISO] {Classic}

Thảo luận trong 'Nhạc quốc tế' bắt đầu bởi invisible9x, 26/6/15.

  1. invisible9x

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    TACET - World Premiere - Demo Disc, Moving Real Surround Sound (2004)



    1. Introduction

    Sergej Prokofiev (1891 - 1953) Polish Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra / Wojciech Rajski Peter and the Wolf 2. The instruments 3-12. The Story 13. Carnival preparations Jens Josef (1967) 14. Kostümbastelstück 15. Carnival of the Animals - Introduction Camille Saint-Saëns (1835 - 1921) 16. Introduction and Lion 17. Chickens 18. Mules 19. Turtles 20. Elephant 21. Kangaroos 22. Aquarium 23. Donkeys 24. Cuckoo 25. Bird-house 26. Pianists 27. Fossils 28. Swan 29. Finale

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