Mã: Plot: A seasoned team of bank robbers, including Gordon Jennings (Idris Elba), John Rahway (Paul Walker), A.J. (Hayden Christensen), and brothers Jake (Michael Ealy) and Jesse Attica (Chris Brown) successfully complete their latest heist and lead a life of luxury while planning their next job. When Ghost (Tip T.I. Harris), a former member of their team, is released from prison he convinces the group to strike an armored car carrying $20 million. As the “takers” carefully plot out their strategy and draw nearer to exacting the grand heist, a reckless police officer (Matt Dillon) inches closer to apprehending the criminals. Genre: Action | Crime | Thriller IMDB Rating: 4.9/10 (595 votes) RT Critics: 4.5/10 (62 reviews) Directed By: John Luessenhop Starring: Matt Dillon, Idris Elba, Tip ‘T.I.’ Harris, Chris Brown Release Name: Takers.CAM.NEW.SOURCE.AC3.XViD – IMAGiNE Size: 1.39 GB Video: XviD | 720 x 304 | 1 539 Kbps Audio: English | AC-3 | 384 Kbps Subtitles: N/A Runtime: 1h 41mn Mã: http://hotfile.com/dl/72516355/6068858/Takers.CAM.NEW.SOURCE.AC3.XViD-IMAGiNE.rar.html OR http://www.filesonic.com/file/22164741/Takers.CAM.NEW.SOURCE.AC3.XViD-IMAGiNE.rar OR http://www.fileserve.com/file/JzdPYcH/Takers.CAM.NEW.SOURCE.AC3.XViD-IMAGiNE.rar ENJOY ! Don't Forget to Look My Other Sharings