The Cabin in the Woods (2012) TS ShAaNiG Imdb Mã: Info STORYLiNE: In an industrial facility, two technicians are preparing for their day on an unknown operation. Meanwhile, five friends are preparing for their trip to a remote cabin owned by Kurt's cousin. On the way, they stop for gas and have an encounter with the strange local who owns the gas station. While drinking and relaxing at the cabin, they discover a basement filled with interesting artifacts. Screenshots Download Filereactor Mã: Extabit Mã: Filefactory Mã: Freakshare Mã: Bitshare Mã: PLEASE, DON'T JUST DOWNLOAD AND DISAPPEAR POST A REPLY TO MAKE THIS POST ALIVE AND MY EFFORTS WORTHWHILE, PLZ IT ONLY TAKES 3 SECONDS TO TYPE "THANK". I THINK 4 FILEHOSTS LINK DESERVE A "THANK" THANK YOU VERY MUCH IN ADVANCE...