Mã: Plot: The popular girl, Eve, is having her 16th birthday slumber party when her best friend, attention hungry Chapin, arrives late and the party starts spinning out of control. Content to entertain themselves with facials and pedicures, tomboy Chapin suggests they play a game of dare called ”Triple Dog.” The rules are simple–everyone gets a dare and gives a dare. Fail to perform a dare, and your head is shaved. Whoever performs the best Triple Dog Dare by the end of the night wins cash and the ultimate respect from their peers. At first the dares are mostly embarrassing but soon they become more and more dangerous as Chapin challenges each girl to take greater risks, soon taking it way too far. IMDB rating: 3.0/10 (18 votes) Directed by: Pascal Franchot Cast: Alexia Fast, Brittany Robertson, Scout Taylor-Compton Release Name: Triple.Dog.2010.DVDRip.XviD-RUBY Size: 700 MB Quality: 592×336 892 kbps xvid vbr mp3 Runtime: 93 minutes Mã: http://hotfile.com/dl/72516353/d9062f8/ruby-td.rar.html OR http://www.filesonic.com/file/22164211/ruby-td.rar OR http://www.fileserve.com/file/ZsTWn5W/ruby-td.rar ENJOY ! Don't Forget to Look My Other Sharings