CD1 01. Jonida Maliqi - Ktheju tokës (Albania) (3:07) 02. Srbuk - Walking Out (Armenia) (2:58) 03. PÆNDA - Limits (Austria) (3:02) 04. Kate Miller-Heidke - Zero Gravity (Australia) (2:59) 05. Chingiz - Truth (Azerbaijan) (3:06) 06. Eliot - Wake Up (Belgium) (3:01) 07. ZENA - Like It (Belarus) (3:04) 08. Luca Hänni - She Got Me (Switzerland) (3:02) 09. Tamta - Replay (Cyprus) (2:55) 10. Lake Malawi - Friend of a Friend (Czech Republic) (3:00) 11. S!sters - Sister (Germany) (3:01) 12. Leonora - Love Is Forever (Denmark) (3:02) 13. Victor Crone - Storm (Estonia) (3:06) 14. Miki Núñez - La Venda (Spain) (3:00) 15. Darude feat. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away (Finland) (3:01) 16. Bilal Hassani - Roi (France) (2:57) 17. Michael Rice - Bigger Than Us (United Kingdom) (2:59) 18. Oto Nemsadze - Keep On Going (Georgia) (3:07) 19. Katerine Duska - Better Love (Greece) (3:01) 20. Roko - The Dream (Croatia) (3:02) 21. Joci Pápai - Az én Apám (Hungary) (2:59) CD2 01. Sarah McTernan - 22 (Ireland) (2:55) 02. Kobi Marimi - Home (Israel) (3:00) 03. Hatari - Hatrið mun sigra (Iceland) (2:59) 04. Mahmood - Soldi (Italy) (3:08) 05. Jurij Veklenko - Run With the Lionss (Lithuania) (3:02) 06. Carousel - That Night (Latvia) (3:05) 07. Anna Odobescu - Stay (Moldova) (3:03) 08. D mol - Heaven (Montenegro) (2:57) 09. Tamara Todevska - Proud (North Macedonia) (2:57) 10. Michela - Chameleon (Malta) (3:01) 11. Duncan Laurence - Arcade (The Netherlands) (3:05)* 12. KEiiNO - Spirit in the Sky (Norway) (3:06) 13. Tulia - Fire of Love (Pali się) (Poland) (2:48) 14. Conan Osiris - Telemóveis (Portugal) (3:04) 15. Ester Peony - On a Sunday (Romania) (3:06) 16. Nevena Božović - Kruna (Serbia) (3:08) 17. Sergey Lazarev - Scream (Russia) (3:00) 18. John Lundvik - Too Late for Love (Sweden) (2:59) 19. Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl - Sebi (Slovenia) (3:01) 20. Serhat - Say Na Na Na (San Marino) (2:59) Nhấn nút Cảm ơn (dưới chân bài) để thấy link!