[Fshare] Various Artists - Metallica - A Tribute To Master Of Puppets (2016) [FLAC] {Metal}

Thảo luận trong 'Nhạc quốc tế' bắt đầu bởi invisible9x, 25/3/16.

  1. invisible9x

    invisible9x Táo Tàu

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    Various Artists - Metallica - A Tribute To Master Of Puppets (2016) [FLAC] {Metal}



    01. Ensiferum - Battery (5:13)

    02. Trivium - Master Of Puppets (8:10)

    03. John Garcia - The Thing That Should Not Be (6:17) 04. Bullet For My Valentine - Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (6:17) 05. Chimaira - Disposable Heroes (8:18) 06. Afflicted - Leper Messiah (5:06) 07. Mastodon - Orion (Instrumental) (8:24) 08. Tankard - Damage Inc. (5:10)

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    culydn, baoviet95, hui2415 and 4 others like this.

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