[img] Plot: In the early 1970s during the Cold War, the head of British Intelligence, Control, resigns after an operation in...
[img] Plot: The small working-class town of Angels Crest is a tight-knit community resting quietly in one of the vast and stunningly...
[img] Plot: African exchange student, Stan Rohamba arrives in the U.S., excited to be a part of the “model democratic system”. While...
[img] Plot: The Old West.. where a lone cowboy leads an uprising against a terror from beyond our world. 1873. Arizona Territory. A...
[img] Plot: Sergeant Gerry Boyle is a small-town Irish cop with a confrontational personality, a subversive sense of humor, a dying...
[img] Plot:Believing the quote that you are born alone, die alone and everything else is an illusion, George doesn’t see the point of...
[img] Plot:When a couple decides to adopt a stray cat their perspective on life changes radically, literally altering the course of...
[img] Plot: Charlotte and Max live with their young son in Brussels. When Max finds out Charlotte has been taking some of her male...