[img] Title : Men Go to Battle (2015) Genres: Comedy, Drama, History Director: Zachary Treitz Writer: Kate Lyn Sheil, Zachary Treitz Actors:...
[img] Title : Line Walker (2016) Genres: Action, Thriller Director: Jazz Boon Writer: Cat Kwan Actors: Nick Cheung, Louis Koo, Francis Ng,...
[img] Title : Boo! A Madea Halloween (2016) Genres: Comedy, Horror Director: Tyler Perry Writer: Tyler Perry Actors: Tyler Perry, Cassi Davis,...
[img] Title : Sirens (1993) Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance Director: John Duigan Writer: John Duigan Actors: Hugh Grant, Tara Fitzgerald, Sam...
[img] Title : Phantom of the Theatre (2016) Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery Director: Wai Man Yip Writer: Jingling Li, Manfred Wong, Mei Yuan...
[img] Title : Ghostbusters (2016) Genres: Action, Comedy, Fantasy Director: Paul Feig Writer: Katie Dippold, Paul Feig, Ivan Reitman (based on...
[img] Title : Shelley (2016) Genres: Drama, Horror Director: Ali Abbasi Writer: Ali Abbasi, Maren Louise Käehne Actors: Ellen Dorrit Petersen,...
[img] Title : Love & Peace (2015) Genres: Comedy, Dramaal Director: Sion Sono Writer: Sion Sono (screenplay) Actors: Kumiko Asô, Motoki Fukami,...