[MF] Tong li's Collection [APE/FLAC/DTS] {29 CDs}

Thảo luận trong 'Nhạc quốc tế' bắt đầu bởi doanvanhuy, 20/12/10.

  1. Totti10

    Totti10 Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Tong Li - Dialogue VII ~ Zheng and Li's story of child DSD [APE]
    Album Description
    碟名:《对话 Ⅶ-古箏与童丽的故事》. 演唱:童丽. 出品:妙音唱片. 出品年份:2006/7/10 CD Name: "Dialogue Ⅶ - the story of Zheng and Tong Li." Song: Tong Li. Produced: wonderful sounds album. Years produced: 2006/7/10
    恬静柔美荡气迴肠童丽再鸣惊人明亮、慵懒、甜美的嗓音,自由而随与地在乐器中漫游穿行,没有一丝张扬的炫耀,是一种平实而朴素的快乐,人声录音的饱满温润与自然更容易让人一听倾情。 Quiet and gentle soul-stirring child re-Ming Lai amazing bright, lazy, sweet voice, with the freedom to roam and walk through in the music, not the least bit assertive display is a plain and simple fun, voice recording full of tenderness and is much easier to make people a portrait.
    完美的声音,完美的伴奏,完美的录音,我极力推荐童丽这张完美的发烧女声天碟!(*转) Perfect sound, perfect accompaniment, perfect sound, I highly recommend this perfect child Korea fever Girls Tiandie! (* Transfer)

    专辑曲目 : Album track:

    01 自由Freedom 01 Free Freedom
    02 葬花吟The song of burying flower 02 Excerpt from The song of burying flower
    03 自有人评说Should be comment by someone Comments from some 03 Should be comment by someone
    04 剑侠情The love story of swordsman 04 swordsman love The love story of swordsman
    05 沂蒙山小调The canzonet of yimeng mountain 05 Mountain Song The canzonet of yimeng mountain
    06 红豆曲The song of red bean 06 red bean song The song of red bean
    07 刀切莲藕丝不断Slicing the lotus root but silk continuously 07 knife Lotus wire constantly Slicing the lotus root but silk continuously
    08 历史的天空The sky of the history 08 Historical Sky The sky of the history
    09 离别前夕Eve parting night 09 Parting the eve of the Eve parting night
    10 天竺少女Young girl of india 10 Tianzhu girl Young girl of india
    11 月下情歌The month descends madrigal November under the love song The month descends madrigal
    12 缅桂花开十里香The fragrance of the sweet-scentde osmanthus 12 Myanmar Osmanthus open climate is The fragrance of the sweet-scentde osmanthus
    13 朝云暮雨Morning cloud and evenign rain 13 Chaoyun Muyu Morning cloud and evenign rain

    Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?c2g60fup0bp8t
    Enjoy <:p
    congdanhanhphuc cảm ơn bài này.
  2. Totti10

    Totti10 Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Còn khoảng 30 album nữa. Mình sẽ up dần
  3. luatvista

    luatvista Active Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Album này không có file cue nên không cắt thành từng track được bác ơi. Bác giúp em nhé.
  4. Ngọ Xuân Giao

    Ngọ Xuân Giao Huyền Thoại

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Tuyệt vời:). Sao bác ghi tiêu đề có 29 albums:-?:p
  5. Totti10

    Totti10 Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Có mà bạn. Bạn xem lại xem. Nếu không thì đây

    PERFORMER "Tong Li"
    TITLE "Tong Li - Dialogue 11 - Tong Li and Zheng"
    FILE "Tong Li - Dialogue 11 - Tong Li and Zheng.ape" WAVE
    TITLE "Actor Song"
    PERFORMER "Tong Li"
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    TITLE "Zangxin"
    PERFORMER "Tong Li"
    INDEX 00 05:28:22
    INDEX 01 05:30:22
    TITLE "A water compartment End of the World"
    PERFORMER "Tong Li"
    INDEX 00 10:13:43
    INDEX 01 10:15:43
    TITLE "Love hard pillow"
    PERFORMER "Tong Li"
    INDEX 00 14:22:16
    INDEX 01 14:24:16
    TITLE "Barcarolle"
    PERFORMER "Tong Li"
    INDEX 00 19:06:53
    INDEX 01 19:08:53
    TITLE "Taihu Lake boat"
    PERFORMER "Tong Li"
    INDEX 00 23:31:05
    INDEX 01 23:33:05
    TITLE "Troop sheep"
    PERFORMER "Tong Li"
    INDEX 00 26:47:17
    INDEX 01 26:49:17
    TITLE "Snow League"
    PERFORMER "Tong Li"
    INDEX 00 31:24:39
    INDEX 01 31:26:39
    TITLE "Acacia tears"
    PERFORMER "Tong Li"
    INDEX 00 36:50:58
    INDEX 01 36:52:58
    TITLE "Plum snow"
    PERFORMER "Tong Li"
    INDEX 00 42:55:21
    INDEX 01 42:57:21
    TITLE "When spring comes, people do not come"
    PERFORMER "Tong Li"
    INDEX 00 47:22:28
    INDEX 01 47:24:28
    TITLE "Blame the heavens a change of heart"
    PERFORMER "Tong Li"
    INDEX 00 51:21:73
    INDEX 01 51:23:73
    TITLE "Kept in sun"
    PERFORMER "Tong Li"
    INDEX 00 55:15:22
    INDEX 01 55:17:22
  6. Totti10

    Totti10 Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Mình không phải chủ topic mà. Link die nên mình up lại thôi. Mới kiếm được thêm mấy album nữa ;;)
  7. Totti10

    Totti10 Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Tong Li - dialogue select album [APE]
    Album Description:
    近似天籁宛如神话童丽《对话·精选》 Sounds like a myth similar to Tong Li "dialog select"

    童丽独挑大梁,32Bit数码录音之作。 Tong Li alone play the leading role, 32Bit digital recording of the making. 一把有典雅味道,清纯美感的歌喉,那不经意间流露出东方女性妩媚、性感和生命活力,录音采用少有的顶级电子管麦克风制作该唱片,女声与伴奏乐器的音色听来有如丝绒般光润甜美,特别是在够级别的音响组合上更能体会到柔和延伸的超高频,清新的歌声中露出点点刻骨情怀最是动人,天碟级的无比通透,圆润人声立体浮现,钢琴的铿锵,二胡的弦等等,皆出色完美,人声试音首选作品,一句话:可遇不可求! One has elegant taste, pure beauty of voice, it inadvertently reveals the Oriental female charm, sensuality and vitality, recording top-tube microphone with a rare production of the album, female vocal and instrumental accompaniment sound sounds like velvet Guangrun sweet, especially in the audio mix enough level to better understand the extension of the ultra-high frequency soft, fresh voice in the deep-seated sentiments of the most revealing bit of a moving Tiandie unparalleled level transparent, mellow sounds of three-dimensional surface, piano sonorous, erhu strings, etc., are outstanding perfect choice for vocal audition works, saying: can luck!

    专辑曲目 : Album track:

    01 浏阳河 01 Liuyang River
    02 醉清风 02 drunk breeze
    03 烟花三月 March 03 fireworks
    04 十送红军 04 Shisonghongjun
    05 望春风 05 Spring Breeze
    06 葬心 06 Zangxin
    07 沂蒙山小调 07 Mountain Song
    08 你的眼神 08 your eyes
    09 不了情 09 Everlasting Love
    10 菊花台 10 Chrysanthemum Taiwan
    11 梦江南 11 Meng Jiangnan
    12 牧羊姑娘 12 sheep girl
    13 翠湖寒 13, Spring Lake
    14爱我别走 14 love me do not go
    Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?9bz04y7gmbqac
    Enjoy :)>-
    congdanhanhphuc cảm ơn bài này.
  8. Totti10

    Totti10 Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Tong Li - exclusive love to sing[APE]:
    Album description:

    Album Description:

    清纯美感的歌喉,不经意流露出东方女性妩媚、性感和生命活力,录音采用少有的顶级电子管麦克风制作该唱片,女声与伴奏 Pure beauty of voice, inadvertently reveals the Oriental female charm, sensuality and vitality, recording top-tube microphone with a rare production of the album, female vocal and accompaniment

    乐器的音色听来有如丝绒般光润甜美,特别是在够特别的音响组合上更能体会到柔和延展的超高频。 Musical instruments sound like velvet Guangrun sounds sweet, especially in special enough to appreciate better sound mix soft extended UHF.

    童丽的歌声爱者如痴如醉,亦有听者不屑,谓之甜腻,个中滋味仍需自我体味。 Tong Li's voice who brought great joy to love, some listeners disdain, that s never too sweet, a taste still in the self-body odor.

    文件来源与网络,试听后请购买支持正版资源。 Documentary sources and networks, listen to support genuine resources after you buy.

    因为是分轨,所以使用压缩包格式发布,请完成了下载的骡友尽量帮助保源。 Because it is sub-track, so use the compressed format release, complete the download of mules You try to help protect the source.

    请使用遵守 GPL许可的正规emule软件下载此网络资源,并建议加载反吸血骡插件以便能够得到良好的下载带宽: Please use the GPL license to comply with the formal emule software download network resources, and suggested that anti-vampire mule load plug-ins to be able to get good download bandwidth:

    http://board.VeryCD.com/t473571.html http://board.VeryCD.com/t473571.html

    专辑曲目 : Album track:

    01 情深意长 01 Song of Long
    02 天涯 02 End of the World
    03 蒙古人 03 Mongols
    04 这一瞬间 04 this moment
    05 知道不知道 05 that do not know
    06 知音 06 Concert
    07 三十里铺 07 sanshilipu
    08 月儿弯弯照九州 August curved Shines children
    09 二月里来 To 09 February in
    10 十送红军 10 Shisonghongjun
    11 失恋追想曲 11 lovelorn thought, looking back song
    12 在那遥远的地方 12 In that distant place
    13 雁南飞 13 Various Artists
    Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?u64nx07do1oxl
    Enjoy :)>-
    congdanhanhphuc cảm ơn bài này.
  9. Totti10

    Totti10 Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Tong Li - favorite DSD [APE]
    Album Description:
    这是一张极为出色,曲风通俗的HIFI天碟.作为民歌,这里没有电光火石的炫技, This is an excellent, genre popular HIFI Tiandie. As folk songs, there are no electro-optical flint of Virtuoso,
    也没有严肃的容貌.而是一席清新典雅,飘逸优美轻愁,令人神轻气爽的音乐响宴. No serious looks. But one seat clean and elegant, elegant and beautiful light worry, it is God's Feast light air is crisp.

    静柔美荡气迴肠童丽再鸣惊人明亮、慵懒、甜美的嗓音,自由而随与地在乐器中漫游穿行,没有一丝张扬的炫耀,是一种平实而朴素的快乐,人声录音的饱满温润与自然更容易让人一听倾情。 Tong Li Jing gentle soul-stirring and then Ming amazing bright, lazy, sweet voice, with free roaming and walking through in the music, not the least bit assertive display is a plain and simple fun, voice recording full of tenderness and is much easier to make people a portrait.
    完美的声音,完美的伴奏,完美的录音,我极力推荐童丽这张完美的发烧女声天碟!(*转) Perfect sound, perfect accompaniment, perfect sound, I highly recommend this perfect child Korea fever Girls Tiandie! (* Transfer)

    专辑曲目 : Album track:

    1 牧羊曲 1 Mu Yangqu
    2 说句心里话 2 tell the truth
    3 南泥弯 3 south bend clay
    4 渔家姑娘在海边 4 Fishermen girl at the beach
    5 心中的玫瑰 5 Rose heart
    6 沂蒙颂 6 Yimeng
    7 映山红 7 azalea
    8 茉莉花 8 Jasmine
    9 红梅赞 9 Hong Meizan
    10 绒花 10 tasselflower
    11 浏阳河 11 Liuyang River
    12 难忘今宵 12 memorable Tonight
    13 谁不说俺家乡好 13 who do not speak My Hometown
    Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?iq95nin0lj69z
    Enjoy :)>-
  10. doanvanhuy

    doanvanhuy Well-Known Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Bác nhiệt tình quá. Thanks bác nhiều. :)
  11. Totti10

    Totti10 Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Tong Li - Gold Tong Li [Double CD DSD]:
    Album Description:
    最贴心的 HI-FI女声《金装童丽双CD》DSD HI-FI most intimate Girl "Gold Tongli double CD" DSD

    清新典雅飘逸秀美令人神轻气爽的天使之声, 惊天动地震撼发烧, 典藏极品超值精选. God is beautiful and elegant elegant fresh light air is crisp voice of an angel, earth-shaking shock fever, collection of Need for value selection.
    如歌谣般旋律优美、流畅清新的曲子,在歌声中找到在流行音乐中逝去的美妙乐韵。 Such as the ballad-like melody, smooth and refreshing tunes, the songs found in popular music in the passing away of wonderful melodies.

    [本世纪最精彩的演绎] 用人声+靓歌挑战你的音响组合 [The best of this century, the interpretation of] the employer to challenge your songs sound + good and sound portfolio

    专辑曲目 : Album track:


    01. 当爱情经过的时候 01. When love through time
    02. 星晴 02. Starry Mood
    03. 醉清风 03. Drunk breeze
    04. 同桌的你 04. Deskmate for you
    05. 夜的诗人 05. Night of the Poet
    06. 爱我别走 06. Love me do not go
    07. 老情歌 07. Old Love Song
    08. 一比一 08. One to one
    09. 眼泪 09. Tears
    10. 爱来的时候 10. Love when
    11. 下辈子如果我还记得你 11. Next life, if I remember you
    12. 六月的雨 12. June rain
    13. 翅膀 13. Wings


    01. 牧羊曲 01. Muyang Qu
    02. 说句心里话 02. To tell the truth
    03. 南泥湾 03. Nanniwan
    04. 渔家姑娘在海边 04. Fisherman girl at the beach
    05. 心中的玫瑰 05. Hearts of roses
    06. 沂蒙颂 06. Yimeng
    07. 映山红 07. Azalea
    08. 茉莉花 08. Jasmine
    09. 红梅赞 09. Hongmei Zan
    10. 绒花 10. Tasselflower
    11. 浏阳河 11. Liuyang River
    12. 难忘今宵 12. Memorable Tonight
    13. 谁不说俺家乡好 13. Who does not say My Hometown
    Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?3kybd4xsh08nd
    Enjoy :)>-
  12. Totti10

    Totti10 Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Tong Li - Impression DSD
    Album Chinese name: the impression
    歌手 : 童丽 Singer: Tong Li
    音乐风格 :流行 Music Style: Pop
    资源格式 : APE Resource Format: APE
    版本 : DSD Version: DSD
    发行时间 : 2010年03月19日 Release Date: March 19, 2010
    地区 : 大陆 Region: China
    语言 : 粤语 Language: Cantonese
    简介 : Description:
    Album Number: DSD-0170
    发行公司 :广州市妙音文化传播有限公司 Distribution company: Guangzhou wonderful sounds Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
    出版公司 :九洲音像出版公司 Publishing Company: Jiuzhou Audio Publishing Company
    ISRC :CN-A65-09-660-00/A.J6 ISRC: CN-A65-09-660-00/A.J6

    专辑介绍 : Album Description:

    Fresh and graceful singing Emotion Emotional Songs bold challenge to your most discerning ears

    Vocal accompaniment of musical instruments and high end exquisite floating like a euphemism for suddenly moving Xiaojiabiyu style sweet and tender singing style was born with an addictive charm Jiaoren
    This album is CD ripper, for personal audition, please consciously to remove within 24 hours after download, no person shall be used for commercial purposes! 如果喜欢本专辑,请购买正版,谢谢合作! If you like this album, buy genuine, thank you!
    供源时间:19:00~2:00 For the source time: 19:00 ~ 2:00

    专辑曲目 : Album Tracks:

    01. 秋夜 01. Autumn night
    02. 天才白痴往日情 02. Genius idiot Wang Riqing
    03. 榴莲飘香 03. Durian fragrance
    04. 情义两心坚 04. Strong bonds of friendship, two hearts
    05. 肯去承担爱 05. Willing to bear love
    06. 印象 06. Impression
    07. 相识也是缘分 07. Acquaintance is fate
    08. 每一个晚上 08. Every night
    09. 春宵良梦 09. Afraid of Virginia Woolf good dream
    10. 倩影 10. Shadows
    11. 痴心换情深 11. Infatuation for Wife
    12. 留恋 12. Nostalgia
    13. 胭脂扣 13. Rouge
    Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?w04yzvk4x9yoj
    Enjoy :)>-
  13. Totti10

    Totti10 Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Tong Li - Love Tears XRCD:
    Album Description:

    音乐的产生是人类情感的极致,音之大美以真情动心的如美! Music production is the ultimate human emotion, sound great and inviting the U.S. to the truth as the United States! 音乐是人类最真、善、美心灵的化合物! Music is the most genuine human beings, good and beautiful soul of compounds! 而美好的歌声,则是音乐情感最好的表现途径,美的歌者,就是一位打开每一位听者心灵之窗的天使。 The beautiful song is the best music performance of emotional way, the U.S. singer, is an open window of every listener angel heart. 童丽,一如既往的清纯、柔润、温暖的歌声、一如最初的情怀和坚持,把江南的千年古韵带到时尚现代的岭南都会,首唱粤语时代金曲经典,引领我们感悟一段穿越时空的心灵之旅。 Tong Li, as always, pure, soft, warm voice, as the initial feelings and insisted that the South's Millennium rhyme Lingnan will bring modern style, sung a golden era of classic Cantonese, lead us to a perception of the heart through time and space brigade.

    专辑选用古筝作为童丽独唱的主要伴奏乐器,清幽淡雅的筝音,轻摇拨奏间,那委婉动听的旋律,和着童丽甜美温柔的演唱向你娓娓一一道来,就如一位知书识礼的古典仕女为心中人"红袖添香夜读书"般温婉含蓄。 Tong Li Zheng selected album solo as the main accompaniment instrument, the zheng quiet elegant tone, jog pizzicato, the sweet melody that euphemism, and a sweet and gentle child Korea concert to you tirelessly 11 years, as a knowledge classical propriety-minded ladies for the heart "and Hongxiutianxiang night reading," as gentle and subtle. 无论是《福气》真情深厚的呼唤,还是《零时十分》中深情和等待,《陌上归人》颗颗晶莹剔透的古筝琴音,《相思泪》中阐幽发薇,丽影翩翩的意境,和着童丽字正腔圆的歌唱,让旋律透发着一种质朴的美,或是充盈着古典诗意的《石头记》,她的歌声如清澈的泉水,滋润、清洁着听者的灵魂,给人的心灵予以安宁和慰藉,生生不息。 Whether it is "good fortune" Call of deep truth, or "0:10" with deep feeling and wait, "Mo go people" Guzheng Brilliant crystal clear sounds, "Love Tears" in the Interpretation of quiet hair Wei, Li Ying dancing in the mood , and the children singing Lai pronounce, let the rhythm through the fat, a kind of simple beauty, or filling the classical poetry of "The Story", her voice clear as spring water, moisture, clean the listener the soul, gives them peace of mind and comfort and prosperous.

    从音乐美学的角度来看,通过歌声达到歌唱者与欣赏者情感的交汇与融合,是完美和幸福的! From the musical aesthetic point of view, to the singer by singing and appreciation of the intersection and integration of those emotions is the perfect and happy! "歌为心声",歌唱乃心之门户,也只有拥有一颗善良、仁慈的心灵才能为人们带来感人肺腑的歌声,细听观照,美的音乐天使-童丽当如是! "Song of the Heart", singing is the heart of the portal, and only have a good, kind souls can bring people touching songs, listening to the reflection, the United States's Angels - Tong Lai when the case! 专辑用 XRCD格式原声同期现场录音,古典胆咪真声尽现,最高等级超合金制碟,是一张不可多得的独唱新作 XRCD format soundtrack album with live recordings over the same period, the classical sound of bile microphones really do now, the highest level of super-alloy plate, is a rare solo new work

    专辑曲目 : Album track:

    01 福气 01 good luck
    02 零时十分 02 0:10
    03 楼台会 03 towers will be
    04 一水隔天涯 04 Wandering across a water
    05 风尘泪 05 eolian tears
    06 陌上归人 06 Mo it home
    07 相思泪 07 Acacia Tears
    08 渔舟唱晚 08 Boats
    09 红烛泪 09 Candle's Tears
    10 每当变幻时 10 Hooked
    11 石头记 11 Stone
    12 逝去的诺言 12 unfulfilled promise
    13 离别再叮咛 13 Parting and then exhorted
    14 换到千般恨 14 for to offer all kinds of hate
    Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?16a9xfu187ygk
    Enjoy :)>-
  14. doanvanhuy

    doanvanhuy Well-Known Member

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  15. Totti10

    Totti10 Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Tong Li - Love where:
    Album Description:

    音乐的产生是人类情感的极致,音之大美以真情动心的如美! Music production is the ultimate human emotion, sound great and inviting the U.S. to the truth as the United States! 音乐是人类最真、善、美心灵的化合物! Music is the most genuine human beings, good and beautiful soul of compounds! 而美好的歌声,则是音乐情感最好的表现途径,美的歌者,就是一位打开每一位听者心灵之窗的天使。 The beautiful song is the best music performance of emotional way, the U.S. singer, is an open window of every listener angel heart. 童丽,一如既往的清纯、柔润、温暖的歌声、一如最初的情怀和坚持,把江南的千年古韵带到时尚现代的岭南都会,首唱粤语时代金曲经典,引领我们感悟一段穿越时空的心灵之旅。 Tong Li, as always, pure, soft, warm voice, as the initial feelings and insisted that the South's Millennium rhyme Lingnan will bring modern style, sung a golden era of classic Cantonese, lead us to a perception of the heart through time and space brigade.

    专辑选用古筝作为童丽独唱的主要伴奏乐器,清幽淡雅的筝音,轻摇拨奏间,那委婉动听的旋律,和着童丽甜美温柔的演唱向你娓娓一一道来,就如一位知书识礼的古典仕女为心中人"红袖添香夜读书"般温婉含蓄。 Tong Li Zheng selected album solo as the main accompaniment instrument, the zheng quiet elegant tone, jog pizzicato, the sweet melody that euphemism, and a sweet and gentle child Korea concert to you tirelessly 11 years, as a knowledge classical propriety-minded ladies for the heart "and Hongxiutianxiang night reading," as gentle and subtle. 无论是《福气》真情深厚的呼唤,还是《零时十分》中深情和等待,《陌上归人》颗颗晶莹剔透的古筝琴音,《相思泪》中阐幽发薇,丽影翩翩的意境,和着童丽字正腔圆的歌唱,让旋律透发着一种质朴的美,或是充盈着古典诗意的《石头记》,她的歌声如清澈的泉水,滋润、清洁着听者的灵魂,给人的心灵予以安宁和慰藉,生生不息。 Whether it is "good fortune" Call of deep truth, or "0:10" with deep feeling and wait, "Mo go people" Guzheng Brilliant crystal clear sounds, "Love Tears" in the Interpretation of quiet hair Wei, Li Ying dancing in the mood , and the children singing Lai pronounce, let the rhythm through the fat, a kind of simple beauty, or filling the classical poetry of "The Story", her voice clear as spring water, moisture, clean the listener the soul, gives them peace of mind and comfort and prosperous.

    从音乐美学的角度来看,通过歌声达到歌唱者与欣赏者情感的交汇与融合,是完美和幸福的! From the musical aesthetic point of view, to the singer by singing and appreciation of the intersection and integration of those emotions is the perfect and happy! "歌为心声",歌唱乃心之门户,也只有拥有一颗善良、仁慈的心灵才能为人们带来感人肺腑的歌声,细听观照,美的音乐天使-童丽当如是! "Song of the Heart", singing is the heart of the portal, and only have a good, kind souls can bring people touching songs, listening to the reflection, the United States's Angels - Tong Lai when the case! 专辑用 XRCD格式原声同期现场录音,古典胆咪真声尽现,最高等级超合金制碟,是一张不可多得的独唱新作 XRCD format soundtrack album with live recordings over the same period, the classical sound of bile microphones really do now, the highest level of super-alloy plate, is a rare solo new work

    专辑曲目 : Album track:

    01 福气 01 good luck
    02 零时十分 02 0:10
    03 楼台会 03 towers will be
    04 一水隔天涯 04 Wandering across a water
    05 风尘泪 05 eolian tears
    06 陌上归人 06 Mo it home
    07 相思泪 07 Acacia Tears
    08 渔舟唱晚 08 Boats
    09 红烛泪 09 Candle's Tears
    10 每当变幻时 10 Hooked
    11 石头记 11 Stone
    12 逝去的诺言 12 unfulfilled promise
    13 离别再叮咛 13 Parting and then exhorted
    14 换到千般恨 14 for to offer all kinds of hate
    Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?612z2jtu3q8m2
    Enjoy :)>-
  16. Totti10

    Totti10 Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Tong Li - Meng Jiangnan
    Album Description:
    独具传统中国古文化格调,唱腔婉转流畅,表现细腻动人, Unique style of traditional ancient Chinese culture, singing gently smooth, delicate and moving performance,
    给人高水准艺术体验。 Gives the high level of artistic experience.

    思也江南,梦也江南...... Reith also South, dreams South ......
    梦中的江南,水绕青山,莺飞燕绕,到处流淌着清新、恬淡的气息。 Dream south, the water around the mountains, Ying swallows around, full of flowing fresh, tranquil atmosphere.
    闭上眼,深呼吸,空气中似乎含有淡淡的乳香味。 Close your eyes, take a deep breath, the air seems to smell with a touch of milk.
    再品味,却感觉是离世脱俗的味道,不属于这个喧嚣红尘。 Taste again, but feeling is refined taste death, does not belong to the noisy Red Dust.

    专辑曲目 : Album track:

    01 月亮湾 01 Moon Bay
    02 月牙泉 02 Crescent Moon Spring
    03 待嫁女儿心 03 heart to be her daughters married
    04 风尘泪 04 eolian tears
    05 梦江南 05 Meng Jiangnan
    06 晴雯歌 06 Qingwen song
    07 尘缘 07 bonds of this world
    08 秋缘 08 Autumn edge
    09 夜空 09 sky
    10 粉红莲的心事 10 Pink Lotus mind
    11 雨中追忆 11 rain recall
    12 又见雨夜花 12 See also the Four Seasons
    13 牧羊姑娘 13 sheep girl
    Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?bs1z28c6b797a
    Enjoy :)>-
  17. bacbinhcity

    bacbinhcity Active Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

    Hix, bộ sưu tập quá lớn...

    Bác có thể giới thiệu những đĩa nào đáng nghe nhất của cô ca sĩ này không ạ??? Chờ tin bác.
  18. doanvanhuy

    doanvanhuy Well-Known Member

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    Ðề: Tong li's Collection (29 Albums) [APE & FLAC & DTS]

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